Cisco Industrial Security

July 20, 2022


Securing your operations? Don’t forget your hardware

4 min read

Security is built into the complete lifecycle of Cisco’s entire industrial networking portfolio. Learn about the IEC 62443 - a comprehensive framework for best practices to achieve robust industrial cybersecurity.

May 19, 2022


The Bridge to Secure Modern Port Operations

4 min read

In today’s digitally-enabled ports and terminals, yesterday’s old security perimeter is insufficient. Adopting a zero trust security strategy is necessary to successfully modernize port operations.

May 11, 2022


Investing in Secure Maritime Operations: Cisco at “Hack the Port 22”

2 min read

The resounding message is clear: port and terminal operators, who are undertaking much-needed digital modernization efforts, must simultaneously implement improved cybersecurity capabilities that are designed and “built-in” to the industrial network infrastructure from the start.  By connecting more equipment, devices, people, applications and embracing greater digitization, global port operators are realizing improved results – including […]