girls in ict day

Cisco encourages girls to consider a career in STEM for International Girls in ICT Day

2 min read

Cisco recognizes International Girls in ICT Day with the aim of inspiring girls and women to consider studying STEM and pursue a career in technology at this critical time.

When You Empower a Girl, You Empower a Community

3 min read

Cisco’s global initiative, Girls Power Tech (GPT), is a special learning opportunity for girls and young women to connect with Cisco mentors at offices around the world.

Girls Power Tech Brings Digital Skills to Life in Berlin

4 min read

On April 27, my Cisco Berlin colleagues and I had the pleasure of celebrating International #GirlsInICTDay as a part of Cisco’s Girls Power Tech (GPT) initiative.

August 29, 2016


The First Step On the Road to Technology

2 min read

Do you remember what first inspired you to follow the road into the tech industry? A mentor or person that pushed you to take the first step? My road to...

June 16, 2016


Cisco Employee Encourages Girls to Be Engineers Like Her

2 min read

Recently I was giving the option of choosing between an Apple TV and a drone – and I happily chose a drone. But, I got asked more than a couple...

For Women in Tech, Anything is Possible

4 min read

When I was a girl, my parents taught me that anything was possible for me (besides being a singer…). Yet the majority of women continue to believe that they cannot pursue a successful career in science, technology, engineering, and math (what we now affectionately call STEM). They are all too often intimidated by these classes […]

Passing the Torch: Inspiring Girls to Careers in Tech

2 min read

Inspiration is the name of the game, and Cisco is going for gold! Everywhere you turn, you find Cisco’s people connecting, innovating and driving change to benefit everyone around the world, and Thursday, April 28, 2016 will be no exception. Tomorrow, thousands of Cisco employees will turn our focus to inspiring the next generation of […]

Girls Power Tech Inspires Young Women to Pursue IT Careers

3 min read

Kelly Kramer, Cisco’s Chief Financial Officer, shared an inspirational message with more than 100 young women on Cisco’s San Jose campus yesterday: “You don’t need to live under gender stereotypes; you can be whatever you want to be!” Her words wrapped up this year’s Girls Power Tech event, in which we opened our doors to […]

April 21, 2015


Should women consider a career in cybersecurity? Absolutely!

3 min read

With the United Nations’ International Girls in ICT day fast approaching on April 23rd, this is a great opportunity to discuss how we can get young women involved in careers in technology. Cybersecurity is an ever-present issue with companies and individuals suffering attacks daily. At Cisco, we believe that protection from threats does not rely […]