data breach
Cisco Applauds Unanimous House Vote Passing Email Privacy Act
2 min read
Cisco has long supported updating the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) to better protect customer data and communications stored with third-party providers against unwarranted searches and seizures. We, therefore, applaud the unanimous voice vote in the U.S. House of Representatives to pass the Email Privacy Act (H.R. 387) introduced by Representatives Kevin Yoder (R-KS) and […]
Data Privacy Day – A Quick Recap but a Full-time Commitment
2 min read
On January 28, the international community observed Data Privacy Day, an annual effort to create awareness about the importance of privacy and protecting personal information. Cisco was honored to once again participate in the National Cyber Security Alliance’s (NCSA) Data Privacy Day events. Each year, the Day’s theme is Respecting Privacy, Safeguarding Data and Enabling […]
Keeping up with Cybersecurity Threats in the Digital Age
2 min read
Retailers are embracing and adapting to digital innovations to keep pace with rapidly-evolving customer demands. Online and mobile purchases continue to increase exponentially. According to Deloitte, 58% of consumers have used their mobile device to browse an online shopping website or app. In fact, double-digit growth of e-commerce is expected globally until 2020, as retailers […]
Privacy Is a Basic Human Right… and Good for Business, Too
2 min read
We humans love to share and communicate. From the beginning of recorded history, we’ve sought connection, culture, and commerce by sharing aspects of ourselves with others. But we also want to be left alone without undue interference to lead our lives. So how do we solve this dichotomy? First off, let me emphatically say that […]
Cisco Signs on with Privacy Shield
2 min read
As I blogged in July of this year, Cisco supports protecting and enabling the international flow of personal data that furthers a progressive economy. To that end, we received official word that we are loud, proud, and on the list for the Privacy Shield – the voluntary, self-certification framework for EU-US data transfer. Why is […]
Introducing UCS S-Series: Data Unstored
3 min read
I frequently meet with customers who are trying to “unstore” more of their data, use it in real time, and unlock the latent value that’s contained there. In many ways this is the heart of digital transformation…but it’s also something that’s historically been a challenge to do in an economical and manageable way as data […]
Cybersecurity Awareness Begins – and Ends – with Employees
3 min read
People are a core component of an organization’s protection efforts, and organizations should place employees at the center of their security efforts.
Cisco Supports Court Decision Protecting Customer Cloud Data
2 min read
We welcome and strongly support Microsoft’s successful challenge of a federal criminal search warrant for messages stored on an email server located in Ireland. The decision from the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals supports the protection of data stored in the cloud, and it provides overseas customers of US companies greater confidence that their […]
Commvault Data Protection for HyperConverged Environments
2 min read
You might remember a blog from our own Todd Brannon called “All about that BaaS” which outlined a jointly tested reference architecture for “Backup as a Service” with Commvault software. That engagement advanced Commvault to preferred solution partner status to deliver our joint customers a solution that is fully tested for compatibility with Cisco UCS servers and also […]