Cisco Certifications

January 22, 2024


Meet ENNA, the New Cisco Enterprise Network Assurance (ENNA) Specialist Certification

3 min read

Introducing the Cisco Enterprise Network Assurance (ENNA) v1.0 Specialist Certification, a new way to validate your expertise in understanding, deploying, and diagnosing network issues using critical monitoring solutions, including ThousandEyes, Cisco Catalyst Center, AppDynamics, and Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN.

December 15, 2023


Rev Up to Recert: Your Catalyst for Learning Cisco SD-WAN

3 min read

Rev Up to Recert offers tech learners free limited-time access to learn and earn Continuing Education credits toward recertifying active Cisco certifications. This holiday season, Rev Up to Recert is all about SD-WAN.

December 1, 2023


Cisco Live 2023 Melbourne: Cisco U. Theatre Sessions

3 min read

Your gateway to a world of knowledge and opportunities, the Cisco U. Theatre returns to the Learning & Certifications Booth in The HUB at Cisco Live in Melbourne, December 5-8, 2023.

November 29, 2023


Navigating the DevOps Roadmap

3 min read

The world of DevOps is abundant with tools and technologies, which can create confusion for novices. This blog charts out a DevOps roadmap, discussing the various phases of DevOps and popular tools that come in handy at each stage.

November 22, 2023


Cisco Learners: What’s in store for Cyber Monday 2023

5 min read

Just days away from the Cisco Learning Network Store's biggest sale of the year, find out what you need to know to supercharge your Cyber Monday savings—and lock in that deal with confidence.

November 22, 2023


Bytes of Delight: Snacking on Snack Minutes Videos

2 min read

Cisco Designated VIP Stuart Clark reflects on life after earning his CCNA certification, from the importance of lifelong learning and engagement with the Cisco community to the value of short-form learning content like Snack Minutes, which cover emerging topics and reinforce foundational tech concepts.

November 16, 2023


Trading Nouns and Adjectives for Variables and Function Calls

3 min read

Discover how Nate harnessed the power of learning and DevNet certifications to transform his decade-long career as an English teacher to become the software practice lead at Procellis, a Cisco Partner.

November 13, 2023


Cisco’s Journey to DoD 8140 Accreditation 

2 min read

Cisco is actively working with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to ensure certifications align with the recently issued DoD Manual 8140.03, which introduces a role-based approach to qualifying individuals in alignment with the DoD Cyber Workforce Framework (DCWF).

November 8, 2023


Intern to DevNet Professional Certification: My Personal Journey

3 min read

If, like Mohit, you enjoy both software development and networking, then Cisco DevNet certifications has plenty to offer by integrating network infrastructure with software applications, automation, and programmability. Here are Mohit's top recommendations to help you get started on your own DevNet learning and certification journey.