September 22, 2020


New Technology for Cable Operators to Consider

3 min read

This blog examines some key decision points the cable industry needs to consider when planning the next generation of a Modern Cable Network. Computation has quickly become part of network infrastructure itself, beyond just supporting services, over-the-top applications, and management tasks. At the same time, advancements in silicon and optical technology allow for a re-examination of cable network topology and service placement.

September 16, 2020


A Survey of Grants and Funding for Broadband Expansion

7 min read

The digital divide has been closing over the past decade, with help from a range of federal funding programs aimed at extending broadband services to underserved areas of the country. Before you start thinking about how much funding you want or where to go to find it, it’ll help to consider how and where you want to expand broadband services and what these services will enable your customer and stakeholders to do. Then you can start looking into the funding opportunities that can help make those more concrete plans a reality.

September 11, 2020


Avoid the Margin Crunch with Proactive, Effective Network Automation

1 min read

Network economics are changing. Consumers and enterprises use more data every day, driving down the price for data services through competition and commoditization. Meanwhile, networks are getting more complex and harder to manage and operate, forcing service providers to find ways to support bandwidth growth, to deliver customer requirements faster, and to simplify operations at the same time.

September 10, 2020


Stadiums May Not Be Opening with Fans This Weekend, But The Experience Can Still Be Epic

4 min read

Recently, I had the honor of hosting and moderating a virtual leadership roundtable featuring tech innovators planning for some of the largest, most tech-sophisticated digital entertainment venues in the world. In our conversation, we touched on the many technological innovations that are influencing business decisions right now as many teams prepare to kick-off their first-ever season without fans in stadiums.

September 9, 2020


Three Innovations to Bridge the Digital Divide in Rural Areas

4 min read

Here in 2020, in the midst of a flourishing digital revolution, high-speed Internet connectivity is now within reach of practically everyone, everywhere, right? Not exactly. The high-tech future may be moving full steam ahead in cities and suburbs, but rural regions still face a huge digital divide. Fortunately, there’s good news on the horizon: connecting rural regions is getting easier and less expensive every year.

It’s All in the Cloud: AT&T Builds off Cisco’s Secure SD-WAN Solution

4 min read

Enterprise applications are quickly moving away from the data center and into the cloud. As service providers come to see this as a seismic technology shift rather than just a blip on the radar, they’re wondering how to deploy applications faster and easier while keeping them secure. AT&T recently developed a managed service offing based on our secure virtualized Software Defined–Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) solution. Secure SD-WAN makes the management and operation of a WAN much simpler. It decouples networking hardware from its control mechanism using virtualization technology, allowing companies to build better performing and secure WANs.

T-Mobile’s 5G Hype is Real. And Cisco is at the Heart of It

3 min read

Seems like we see news about 5G rollouts every week, with networks being “lit up” left and right. But on August 4, there was a really big announcement from T-Mobile about their launch of the world’s first nationwide standalone (SA) 5G network. So, why all the hype with this one? Simple. T-Mobile’s 5G SA is pure 5G throughout the network, providing the high bandwidth, blazing speeds, and low latency that IS the transformational promise of 5G. And the numbers speak for themselves.

Making an Eco-Friendly Network with Cisco Silicon One

4 min read

Discover how Cisco Silicon One can change the environmental impact of your network.

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