20/25 Vision: A Clear Look at the Technology Trends that will Define 2025
6 min read
Every year, I take time to think deeply about which technology trends will truly shape the year to come. As we stand on the cusp of 2025, the technology landscape is marked by economic and geopolitical uncertainty, tectonic shifts in consumer behavior, an expanding digital ecosystem, and intense pressure for businesses to adopt and integrate AI into their core operations. To compete in an environment like this one, business leaders must be able to differentiate between fleeting hype and the technologies that will drive lasting change
The power of the platform: Observability takes a seat at the boardroom table
4 min read
Digital experience is the new boardroom KPI in a world where visibility and insight into application performance are now seen as critical to executives
(20)24 x 7 Tech Trends: AI Readiness, Adoption and Integration
7 min read
In just the past year, AI’s impact accelerated in startling ways. Many businesses are struggling to keep up, so Cisco is highlighting seven tech trends we expect to see in 2024 — and AI is integral across them all. Explore the novel ways in which you can leverage AI to unlock access, create business agility and deliver exceptional experiences.
Innovation and partnership for the AI journey ahead
3 min read
Artificial intelligence is fundamentally changing our world. Cisco's Global AI Readiness survey explains how to be prepared. Learn how Cisco can help you prepare your business.
Enabling a new generation of AI with Ethernet
4 min read
Ethernet is well-placed to support the massive scale that the world’s largest AI network fabrics require, and it has a broad base of suppliers. Cisco will partner with you to build an AI infrastructure that matches your business model.
Launch of Cisco Observability Platform Unifies and Secures Digital Experiences at Scale
3 min read
Announcing the Cisco FSO Platform, an open and extensible, API-driven Full-Stack Observability (FSO) platform built on OpenTelemetry. Our Cisco Full-Stack Observability strategy provides AI/ML-driven analytics and a new observability ecosystem that delivers relevant and impactful business insights.
Risk is the Reality: Securing Modern Applications with business risk observability
2 min read
Cisco is leading the way in securing and enabling your greatest assets—applications and the experiences they empower. A significant advancement in our applications strategy, we’re announcing Business Risk Observability and spotlighting a tech preview of Cisco’s Full-Stack Observability Platform at Cisco Live EMEA.
Tech Trends and Predictions That Will Shape 2023
6 min read
As we look to 2023, we see a transformation in how applications, connectivity, and security are delivered and consumed. An immersive future that is “sustainable by default” will require new technologies built with new processes, and in service to new business models. The future is taking shape, and here’s what I see coming in the year ahead.
Cisco’s API-First Motion is Driving Innovation at Scale
4 min read
Free-tier developer solutions Panoptica and Calisti continue Cisco’s strategy to connect, secure, and observe modern applications.