
October 12, 2022


Vision Zero guaranteed?

3 min read

Explore Vision Zero, the aspects of roadways safety and need for situational awareness, and technology applications that can make roads safer.

September 29, 2022


Community pothole pain – Technology is the answer

1 min read

Cisco, TfNSW, Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) and University of New South Wales (UNSW) embarked on a unique trial to use the bus network as sensors to digitise the road surface in real-time to identify areas of concern and requiring proritised maintenance.

September 16, 2022


Cisco is Driving Secure Digital Transformation in Roadways and Rail!

2 min read

Cisco is a trusted business partner in the Transportation Industry. In rail and roadways (and of course, airports and ports!), our industry expertise, technology platforms, and world class customer experience, services, and partner teams help our customers deliver a modern, efficient, safe, secure, and inclusive transportation infrastructure for all.

September 14, 2022


Managing the environmental impacts of European roadways and intersections

5 min read

Managing environmental impacts of transport and utilizing smart technology to help achieve bold policy goals.

September 14, 2022


Mobility in Railways

4 min read

With the advancement of communications within the rail industry and the proposed move to Future Rail Mobility Communication System (FRMCS) primarily within EMEA, it is important to understand what this means for the rail industry and explore how it will integrate with other technologies that are required to deliver ubiquitous communication. 

September 12, 2022


Cisco at InnoTrans 2022

1 min read

Rail operators worldwide work with Cisco to transform their operations with secure, reliable connectivity. We will be illustrating Cisco's portfolio for transportation at InnoTrans 2022, taking place September 20-23 in Berlin.

August 24, 2022


Is it time to prod your roadways with a stick?

3 min read

Smart roadways have sensing capabilities and intelligence driven by state of the art operational technology and infrastructure.

August 11, 2022


Reliable Connectivity for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging

2 min read

The increase in electric vehicles on the road is, unsurprisingly, resulting in an increased demand for charging infrastructure. Public and private networks are being installed at a rapid pace and will continue to increase as more public funding is allocated to charging infrastructure.