social media
#CiscoChat Recap: Cyber Attacks ahead. Are you ready?
2 min read
So many available security tools can’t talk to each other, and that can make financial institutions more vulnerable to cyber attacks.
How Social Media Keeps Us Connected
3 min read
Social media brings people together – and while this may not be breaking news, the connections we...
Jump Start Your Connected Factory: Recap of the Recent #CiscoChat
2 min read
Manufacturers are challenged with how to start digitizing their factories. Many have told me it is not inertia or budget holding them back, but being overwhelmed or unsure of where to start. Yet the value that awaits them is great – connected factories can boost profits by up to 19 percent (according to our latest […]
#CiscoChat: Jump Start Your Connected Factory
2 min read
A new year- and time for new initiatives and a chance to fast start your competitiveness as a manufacturer. According to our recent Manufacturing Thought Leadership Study, digital manufacturers who have connected their factories and production facilities are driving up to 19% more profits (over 10 years) than their ‘unconnected’ counterparts. What are some of […]
#CiscoChat Recap: The Power of Connected Machines
2 min read
Through a myriad of connections, the Internet of Everything has caused a digital disruption, forcing entire industries to evolve their business models in order to remain competitive and deliver optimized services. Both retail and higher education are prime examples. But, it’s the Internet of Things, comprised of millions of Internet-connected devices (estimated to be 50 […]
#CiscoChat Recap: No More Bankers’ Hours
2 min read
How often do you bank? ? For me, it’s a few times a week, but more frequently when I have...
No More Bankers’ Hours: Join the Live Chat
2 min read
“Bankers’ hours” started disappearing with the advent of ATMs in the 1970s and 1980s. Today, online and mobile access has made the transactional side of banking a 24/7, anytime, any...
Top 3 Reasons for Integrating Video Now
3 min read
Just about everyone today knows the power of social video; however, some do not know how to articulate the top reasons why marketers should incorporate video into our marketing campaigns. I have combined my 15 years of experience in marketing, communications, e-commerce and social media management with degrees in Videography and Public relations to compose […]
6 Tips for Creating a Successful Blog Strategy
3 min read
Blogs can be tricky. They are a great asset until you realize you haven’t posted in a week. Or, one day you wake up and there are 13 blogs you have to review and approve. An essential component to any social media strategy at a company is a good blog program. We have an open blogging […]