lifecycle services
Software-defined Infrastructure: Cisco and NTT Co-Deliver a Solution for a Complex Problem
3 min read
The complexity of having dozens of different solutions in use at the same time, presents the need for more visibility and control to manage multiple license types, lifecycle compliance, efficient utilization, and risk mitigation.
Transform Your Practice by Leveraging the Software-led Business Framework
4 min read
Adding software sales to a partner’s sales motion not only increases overall revenue but also provides more predictable, recurring revenue that comes with selling subscription-based software licenses. In addition, developing new services and capabilities based on software enable partners to bfurther differentiate themselves as they build customer loyalty and relevance.
OFC 2017: Service Lifecycle Management in Action
2 min read
Next week at OFC, we’re excited to show you the latest innovations in our service lifecycle management platform, that supports planning, provisioning, and service assurance - in one easy to use dashboard.