
June 21, 2017


#CiscoChat Live: Redefining Access and Campus Networks

1 min read

It’s time for a logical, policy-based approach to building and managing networks that allows you to deploy and secure services faster, while adapting quicker to change. In this iTalk #CiscoChat we’ll discuss how to implement this shift in mindset, through purpose-built systems that are design for security, mobility, IOT, and cloud. This #CiscoChat will take place on Facebook live via Cisco Enterprise Networks, immediately following a Cisco Live Innovation Showcase talk on the same topic. Sachin Gupta, VP Product Management at Cisco will be joining us after his talk to elaborate, answer your questions, and join in the conversation.

June 21, 2017


#CiscoChat Live: Transforming the Network with Automation and Analytics

1 min read

In this special iTalk edition of #CiscoChat, we’ll focus on certain key innovations in networking that enable you to take full advantage of the power of your network. This #CiscoChat will take place on Facebook live via Cisco Enterprise Networks, immediately following a Cisco Live Innovation Showcase talk on the same topic. Scott Harrell, SVP Product Management for Cisco will be joining us after his talk to elaborate, answer your questions, and join in the conversation.

April 4, 2017


New Facebook storage platform looking more like Cisco UCS

3 min read

A few weeks ago, this year’s Open Compute Summit in Santa Clara, California concluded. I personally love this event to see what all the big massive scale data center operators are doing. I have been following the program since it’s inception and unfortunately missed this year’s event but you can definitely be sure I was […]

April 14, 2015


What Makes Engaging B2B Social Content

2 min read

Why do you login to your various social media accounts? Is it to be entertained by videos and images? Catch up on the latest news in your industry? Engage with colleagues? My hunch says you do all of the above. Nobody has time to sift through every piece of content on social media though. We […]

March 10, 2015


Are you Ready for Social Video?

3 min read

Are you considering using video in your digital marketing strategy?  Here are a few statistics on the topic: Visitors who view product videos are 85% more likely to buy than visitors who do not. (Internet Retailer) More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month. (YouTube) 92% of mobile video viewers share videos with […]

October 2, 2014


Networking Goes Social

1 min read

As you probably know, networking can bring your career to a new level. Who you meet can open a variety of doors – you’re able to meet new clients, gain referrals, meet future peers, find a mentor, or begin a new partnership. The possibilities are endless. Gone are the days where you would print out […]

July 31, 2014


The Power of Hashtags

2 min read

Log on to most social media platforms and you’ll likely see a bunch of # signs floating around. No, they do not designate a phone number; instead, they’re an easy and useful way to grow your products and brand in a way that consumers are familiar with. Not sure what they mean or how they […]

July 30, 2014


Sports + Social Media = Massive Opportunities

1 min read

I was at the SEAT Conference in Miami last week, and people are still abuzz about the recent World Cup. Attendees of the conference see engagement with sports fans as a top priority, and they know that Cisco has the most open, tailored and successful solutions to make that possible in venues around the world. […]

July 21, 2014


Cisco Focus: The Year in Review

1 min read

Cisco's fiscal year ends July 26, so I thought it would be an appropriate time to give our fiscal year in review for the Cisco Social Media team.