environmental sustainability

Addressing the Climate Crisis: How Cisco Technology Can Help #CiscoChat

3 min read

Check out this recap from a recent #CiscoChat about how we enable customers to reduce their carbon footprints and meet their sustainability goals.

#CiscoChat: Addressing Climate Change through Cisco Technology

1 min read

Join us at #CiscoChat to learn how Cisco products and solutions are helping customers address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

September 9, 2021


Cisco’s continued journey to net zero

4 min read

Cisco’s SVP of Corporate Affairs, Tae Yoo, has seen our commitment to environmental sustainability grow over the years. Learn more about Cisco’s new net-zero emissions commitments.

Creating a better and more inclusive future through regenerative sustainability

4 min read

By working together, we believe we can find solutions to even our most complex problems. Learn more about our commitment to regenerative sustainability.

Inspiring people toward a sustainable future: How I found my voice as a climate activist

5 min read

Climate youth activist, Diego Arreola Fernández, was a guest speaker at this year's SustainX. He shares his story and tips on how to get involved.

Cisco’s inclusive future: A value chain perspective

4 min read

Cisco's SVP of Supply Chain, John Kern, shares how Cisco is taking action to drive a more just and sustainable future for the workers and communities in our value chain, and for us all collectively on this planet.