
Women Rock-IT: Female Role Models Matter

4 min read

Since 2014, Women Rock-IT has held 20 events with 25 female speakers, publishing 17 blog posts, leading to 13,429 course enrollments, and reaching a global audience of 243,894 people.

August 24, 2018


Career ready: 3 questions to help build the workforce of the future

3 min read

The lunchboxes — Pokemon, Paw Patrol, mermaids, superheroes — are a sign of things to come. Soon, educators begin the work of preparing students for what comes next: advanced education, work, life.

How Cisco Is Helping Tweens Become Tech-Savvy Global Problem Solvers

4 min read

Help us build a pathway for in-demand entrepreneurial and life skills, growing the impact that GPS: The Series participants can have now and hopefully for years to come.

Meet the 2018 GPS Challenge First Runner-Up: Jara

3 min read

Cisco is proud to support teams of innovators working to create lasting social impact, and we look forward to working with Jara to help spread the roots of their innovation.

May 24, 2018


Improving the Student Experience Across Campus

2 min read

From the classroom to the gym to the library to the bus, students participate in an academic community in a variety of ways and through a range of interactions.

Cisco’s International Volunteers Return to Beijing to Connect and Empower Education

2 min read

Cisco’s Connected Asian Affinity Network (CAAN) recently sent several of its members to Beijing, China to work with the Green and Shine Foundation to donate 60 laptops and coordinate teacher training.

In STEM, All Girls Can Be Tech Superheroes

3 min read

This blog was guest-written by Jenine Beekhuyzen, founder of Tech Girls Movement. She’ll be guest-speaking during the “Girls are Tech Superheroes” session of the Women Rock-IT series.