Connected Futures
Dawn of the AI Era – The Time is Now, According to New Readiness Index
3 min read
As an IT leader, how much of your budget do you typically spend to keep the lights on? 30 percent? 40 percent? Try 78 percent.
How Manufacturers are Unlocking the Value of Data
4 min read
We explore how manufacturers are approaching digital transformation on a podcast with Scott Lapcewich, Vice President and General Manager of Customer Support and Maintenance for Rockwell Automation.
Avoiding the Trust Cliff of Data Privacy
2 min read
Data protection and privacy are red-hot topics right now, as they should be. We are facing a watershed moment that could determine government and organizational policy for years to come. Weighing personal privacy against national security, for instance, is not as cut-and-dry as it may first appear. In our data-centric world, organizations are hungry for […]
3 Secrets to Going Digital from Flex’s CIO
2 min read
What are the secrets to a successful digital transformation? We’re exploring that in our Going Digital podcast hosted by Peter High, President of Metis Strategy, Author and Keynote...