
April 18, 2019


Why Webex Teams is a Seamless Fit for All Customers

4 min read

To delight both new and existing customers, we are committed to using the cloud for rapid innovation, scale, and security for our team collaboration solution.

April 11, 2019


Happy National Pets Day from Cisco Collaboration

2 min read

I feel like the luckiest person to be able to work from home. Luckily Webex has noise suppression for background noises, like barks and meows.

April 10, 2019


Keeping the Momentum Going for Cisco Webex and Google Cloud Customers

2 min read

At Google Cloud Next 2019, we are pleased to be a launch partner for the new Google G Suite Add-ons framework. We are extending this integration to deliver richer use cases, suitable for large scale enterprise deployments.

5G Will Give Mobile Carriers a Pass into the B2B World

2 min read

The advent of 5G networks is often referred to in bald terms as not much more than a speed upgrade.

How 5G Will Make the Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) Model a Reality

2 min read

Cellular networks have become an important connectivity asset for businesses, allowing them to support mobile workers and devices that sit outside the enterprise.

April 1, 2019


There’s a Billion Ways to Use Cisco Webex Board

4 min read

In the March 31 episode of Billions aired on Showtime, Taylor Mason Capital is up and running and everything needs to be best-in-class with the Webex Board.

March 28, 2019


3 Things to Consider for Safe and Secure Team Collaboration

7 min read

We wanted to spend a moment to talk about a real-world, here-and-now problem that every company faces today: how do I keep my users and my company safe?

March 21, 2019


Calling in Webex Teams Now Powered by Cisco BroadCloud

4 min read

Today Cisco announced a new enterprise-class, native cloud solution – Webex Calling. It’s powered by bringing together the best of the proven Cisco BroadCloud platform as well as Cisco Webex.

March 13, 2019


Simple Premises About On-Premises Unified Communications 

3 min read

Cloud collaboration enables organizations to speed up innovation, deliver new services, and change how work gets done. Stay tuned for exciting announcements from Cisco at Enterprise Connect in Orlando.