How 5G Will Make the Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) Model a Reality
2 min read
Cellular networks have become an important connectivity asset for businesses, allowing them to support mobile workers and devices that sit outside the enterprise.
There’s a Billion Ways to Use Cisco Webex Board
4 min read
In the March 31 episode of Billions aired on Showtime, Taylor Mason Capital is up and running and everything needs to be best-in-class with the Webex Board.
3 Things to Consider for Safe and Secure Team Collaboration
7 min read
We wanted to spend a moment to talk about a real-world, here-and-now problem that every company faces today: how do I keep my users and my company safe?
Calling in Webex Teams Now Powered by Cisco BroadCloud
4 min read
Today Cisco announced a new enterprise-class, native cloud solution – Webex Calling. It’s powered by bringing together the best of the proven Cisco BroadCloud platform as well as Cisco Webex.
Simple Premises About On-Premises Unified Communications
3 min read
Cloud collaboration enables organizations to speed up innovation, deliver new services, and change how work gets done. Stay tuned for exciting announcements from Cisco at Enterprise Connect in Orlando.
Uninterrupted Workstreams with Webex: Way more than just a meeting!
4 min read
Whether working in Salesforce or in Webex Teams, Webex helps sales people gain the context they need to be more effective in their jobs.
Creating Learning Spaces that Promote Active Learning
2 min read
Learning can take place anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Learning is no longer confined to a physical time or location – it happens in spaces that transcend traditional, physical...
Cognitive Collaboration and the Human Element
4 min read
Batman, this would be your Alfred. Look into the future of cognitive callaboration and the true value of artificial intelligence with Cisco's new X factor!
Healthcare Moments that Matter
3 min read
I was excited to attend the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society conference (HIMSS) for the first time with Cisco. It was exciting to be among the health industry’s brightest innovators.