Cisco Ultra-Reliable Wireless Backhaul

December 20, 2022


Industrial Processes and Wireless Communications – Part III: Process Automation Monitoring

5 min read

In the final segment of this three-part series, I put an advisory lens on process automation monitoring, dissecting the application flow, and a little detail on why the serving wireless medium must behave in a particular way to support it.

December 15, 2022


Industrial Processes & Wireless Communications – Part II: Manufacturing Logistics

4 min read

This blog is the second in a three part series, bringing a lens on manufacturing logistics, dissecting the application flow and a little detail on why the serving wireless medium must behave in a particular way to support it.

December 13, 2022


Industrial Processes & Wireless Communications – Part I: Robots and AGV

4 min read

The Internet is littered with articles about Industry 4.0. Adoption of digital industrial processes is facilitated when these processes run over wireless infrastructure, but the communications technology must deliver against strict application requirements for performance and reliability.

November 29, 2022


The Indy Autonomous Challenge powered by Cisco

2 min read

Two weeks ago, I joined numerous customers and partners in being able to see, touch, and hear Cisco’s technology in action during the Indy Autonomous Challenge powered by Cisco at the Texas Motor Speedway.  Cisco was proud to be the presenting sponsor of the head-to-head autonomous racecar competition which featured six university teams from across the globe. 

October 26, 2022


Join Cisco and our partners at the Indy Autonomous Challenge!

2 min read

Cisco recently renewed our sponsorship of the Indy Autonomous Challenge Powered by Cisco for 2022. This exciting event will be held November 11 at the Texas Motor Speedway in Ft. Worth, Texas.

October 20, 2022


Achieving Low Latency in Different Types of Wireless Networks Requires an End-to-end Focus

3 min read

Latency is a function of the proper network design. Radio latency must be considered alongside end-to-end IP latency and round-trip delay. The closer applications are located to where data is being processed in data centers, clouds, or at the network edge, the lower the possible latency.