cisco firewall

May 14, 2020


Firewalling and VPN in the Remote Work Era

3 min read

A misleading statement from one area of the information security industry falsely argues that the U.S. Government is “sounding the alarm around VPN security.” Actually, the government is acknowledging that remote security solutions like VPN as well as cloud and workload firewalling are now more critical than ever.

January 2, 2020


Balancing Tech with Tradition in a Historic Neapolitan Palace

2 min read

Discover how Cisco Partner Smartnet helped The Caruso Place luxury hotel renovate their digital detail to create a better overall experience for hotel guests.

Cisco and NetNumber Collaborate to Secure the Mobile Network

1 min read

Cisco and NetNumber deliver robust security solutions for mobile service providers to protect their revenue and guard against information leaks on the Diameter and SS7 signalling interconnect interfaces.

February 23, 2018


Cisco and Rackspace Deliver Advanced Security for the Multicloud

2 min read

Rackspace has helped businesses move to the multicloud for almost 20 years. During that time, Rackspace has partnered with Cisco to ensure that move was seamless, safe, and secure.

January 24, 2018


Firepower Programmable APIs for Developers. Learn about them at Cisco Live Barcelona

2 min read

Firepower Management Center (FMC) provides unified management of firewalls, app control, intrusion prevention, and malware protection. See how new REST APIs transform the FMC into a security development platform.

October 30, 2017


Industrial security: Master your fear of the unknown

2 min read

When it comes to scary movies, the most terrifying ones are often about the unknown. It’s easy to grasp a frightening ghost, monster, or some lunatic chasing after a group of folks whose van broke down in the wrong town. However, the unknown allows for another level of paranoia because you never know what’s coming […]

March 22, 2016


Oxymoronic or Not? Legacy Next Generation Firewalls…

2 min read

Cisco announced “the industry’s first fully integrated, threat-focused Next Generation Firewall. “ But what the heck is ‘fully integrated’ and ‘threat focused?’ These sound like important distinctions.

September 10, 2014


ITD: Intelligent Traffic Director

1 min read

Data traffic has grown dramatically in the recent years, leading to increased deployment of network service appliances and servers in enterprise, data center, and cloud environments. To address the corresponding business needs, network switch and router architecture has evolved to support multi-terabit capacity. However, service appliance and server capacity remained limited to a few gigabits, far below switch capacity. […]

September 9, 2014


Scaling Application Security with ITD

4 min read

Ready to scale your enterprise beyond limits?  How about slashing a whole layer of datacenter infrastructure, saving piles of cash in the process?  Or perhaps you’re interested in simplifying your enterprise while adding features, or trying to speed things up without spending money.  Sound too good to be true?  Well, thanks to a new technology […]