Cisco CMX Location Services
Enabling Beacon Management at Scale with Location Fabric
4 min read
A location fabric provides a platform for not only location and proximity awareness, but also the context of beacons and POIs, the apps they engage with, and the people using them, as well as a secure communication channels among all end-points and back-end systems.
Cisco Announces Intent to Acquire July Systems
2 min read
As we continue to bolster our Enterprise Wi-Fi platform to enable superior indoor location services capabilities, Cisco welcomes July Systems and its cloud-based mobile experience and location services platform.
Learn How To Leverage Meraki APIs in the DevNet Zone at Cisco Live
2 min read
With Cisco Meraki cloud-managed IT, you can create apps that enable loyalty programs, track the location of WiFi and BLE devices, build analytics extensions, and make it easier to deploy at scale.
Big Data, Facility Planning and Quantum Mechanics
2 min read
What could these three things possibly have to do with each other? A fundamental concept of quantum mechanics is that the position of sub-atomic particles like electrons orbiting the nucleus of an atom is defined as a probability function… and when we started thinking about how to measure people moving through a building, the models […]
MazeMap and Cisco Lead the Way
2 min read
A CMX Partner Ecosystem Blog Ecosystem partners are an important adjunct to Cisco Connected Mobile Experience (CMX). They augment the analytic and customer engagement capabilities of the solution with innovative business outcomes. This blog is one in a series that will highlight several of our CMX Ecosystem Partners. Today—MazeMap. MazeMap is a provider of indoor […]
TechWiseTV Workshop on Cisco CMX Location Services: The Next Best Thing to Being There
1 min read
As you’ve no doubt seen from our recent Connected Mobile Experiences (CMX) Momentum announcement, the solution continues to evolve in exciting new ways. As new customers see the potential and expand the number and types of use cases, we want to continue to grow the solution and deliver the most compelling location-based services available. The […]