Cisco Collaboration: We Can’t Imagine a World without Microsoft
3 min read
Cisco is investing more today in integration with Microsoft technologies than we have ever done before. Our philosophy has always been that we will support customers that want a mixed-vendor environment.
Universal Federation in Cisco Spark: Collaborate with Anyone
5 min read
For 20 years, the holy grail of IP communications was to enable any-to-any communications. Now, universal federation brings any-to-any communications to the workplace with effective security and policy capabilities.
The Brains Behind the Beauty: Cisco Spark Board Technology
4 min read
Exceptional user experiences happen at the intersection of design and technical innovation. Voice tracking, space binding, and wireless sharing are examples of the innovation of the award-winning Cisco Spark Board.
The Importance of Standards, IETF, and Interop to Collaboration at Cisco
2 min read
The IETF has been the birthplace of countless technologies – like SIP – that have made the Internet what it is today. Standards like SIP are hugely important to Cisco, our collaboration products, and to our newest platform, Cisco Spark. And although we may be in the “post standards era,” there are many areas where application-layer standards like SIP remain essential even as IP communications moves to cloud.
Using Cisco Spark Teams to Manage My Team
4 min read
For the past few months, I’ve been using Cisco Spark to manage the projects that my team is undertaking. As CTO in the Cisco Collaboration Technology Group, you can imagine we have some big projects to track. This has worked really, really well. It provides me a single place I can go to see all of my team’s initiatives in a single list. In the past, that list would be in a spreadsheet or a slide on my desktop, and I’d have to hunt for it. Now, with Cisco Spark it’s easy to find.
White Boarding in Cisco Spark: Always Yours, Always Live, Always Secure
5 min read
When we started working on the Cisco Spark Board over a year ago, we looked at what makes a regular analog whiteboard so effective. One thing we identified is that anyone can use it. You can walk into any conference room, walk up to a whiteboard, and use it. The whiteboard is there, it’s easy to use, and easy to make your own. But recent digital whiteboard attempts by others have failed to meet the same standard for ease of use. We knew we had to do better.
R.I.P. Conference Room Projection Cable
3 min read
You walk into a conference room, and you have a simple task – project your laptop screen onto the screen at the end of the conference room. Yet, until now, this simple task has been really hard. It’s time for this cable to meet its end. Today, we’ve shipped an update to Cisco Spark that will once and for all end the evil tyranny of the conference-room projection cable.
A Deeper Dive on Apple and Cisco
3 min read
With the release of iOS 10, the Apple and Cisco partnership comes to fruition. iOS 10 allows apps like Cisco Spark to be built to take full advantage of the features in iOS 10. Ultimately, the goal of this integration is to allow users to keep using the iPhone the way they are used to using it – but have the actual calls handled by Cisco Spark. This delivers the best of both worlds.
Seamless Enterprise Calling on iPhone and iPad
1 min read
With today’s announcements at Apple's WWDC, we've taken a huge step forward in delivering that capability to end users and IT departments. So let’s get real, what did we announce? The Cisco Spark app will leverage new iOS 10 features and APIs to deliver seamless voice and video calling.
The Dirty Secret of Team Collaboration: Teams
3 min read
Cisco Spark teams is really simple. A team is a group of people working together. Anyone can create a team and then add users to it. A team can have any number of rooms, which are topic-specific rooms used by that team. Anyone in a team can create these “team rooms.” As a team member, I can easily see all the team rooms I’m not in, check them out, and join or leave them at will. That makes Cisco Spark a great experience for new users joining the app for the first time, or joining a new team.
A Lesson from Goldilocks: Messaging Security that’s “Just Right”
3 min read
We all know the story of Goldilocks and her ill-fated visit to the house of the three bears. What lesson, if any, one might take away from this story is that too much of a good thing doesn’t necessarily make it the right thing. Big chairs are big, but if they’re too big, they’re not comfortable. What is true for Goldilocks – and bear with me on the analogy – is also true when considering security technologies for business. When evaluating messaging technologies, the question to think about is: What parties should have access to content, and which should not?
Fed Up with Enterprise Messaging? That’s Because Work Cannot Survive on Chat Alone
5 min read
Recently there has been a lot of buzz in the news around people getting fed up with enterprise messaging applications. This began with a well written and widely read article in Medium titled, “Slack I’m Breaking Up with You.” A twitter hashtag called #slacklash started to rise in usage. Others jumped on the same bandwagon […]
The Hierarchy of SaaS Testing Needs
3 min read
Software testing. For a long time, software testing was one of those dark alleys of the software development process. Often ignored, considered as an afterthought, and staffed by “someone else” who did an important job but was outside of the core development process. Well, that has all changed. In the SaaS world – especially one […]
Devops Means “No, you cannot operate my cloud”
6 min read
One of the things I really believe strongly is that modern SaaS software development – both the practices and code it produces – are significantly different from traditional enterprise premises-based software development. Yet, I find that for people who have never built and operated a modern SaaS platform, these differences are difficult to grasp.
The Myth of Greenfield Technology Environments
2 min read
This is part of a series on the evolution of the Cisco Collaboration Cloud platform, exploring the technical and design principles behind its unique architecture. In the last post in this series, Jens Meggers talked about the huge importance of user experience, and how essential it is to simplify, connect, and delight. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is […]
The Four Dimensions of Open
3 min read
Last week, I posted about our Project Thor, our effort at creating a royalty-free next-generation video codec. This post generated lots of comments – which is great! But also illustrated that there is a lot of confusion about what it means for something to be open. I’d like to remedy that here and describe the […]
World, Meet Thor – a Project to Hammer Out a Royalty Free Video Codec
2 min read
Video codecs remain an area of active research and development. The current generation video codec is H.264 – in widespread usage on the Internet. Cisco has actively worked towards making H.264 the foundation of real-time communications on the web. The next generation codecs are just beginning to emerge. There are two of note – Google’s […]
Continuous Delivery – realizing fast IT
2 min read
For those following trends in the software industry, Continuous Delivery (CD) has been all the rage. What is it? Simply put – continuous delivery is the ability of a SaaS application to push new software into production multiple times per day. Typically, only the cloud software components are updated at this rate. Client code – […]