
October 15, 2014


IoE is the Path to Gartner’s ‘All Things Digital’

2 min read

This week, I had the opportunity to focus on digital business as an attendee and presenter at Gartner’s ITxpo in Orlando, Fla. It was a sold out crowd with 8,500 attendees and approximately 2,700 CIOs. And one insight that seemed to resonate with the audience was Gartner’s belief that by 2018, digital business will require 50 […]

Retailers Lying Awake at Night – Who’s Next?

1 min read

In the past few weeks, I’ve received two replacement credit cards. And, no, this does not indicate I’ve done too much shopping! It means that hackers are continuing to target retailers and the bank decided I needed to be protected by new credit card numbers. I’m Carol Ferrara-Zarb, and as the leader of Cisco’s Security Solutions […]