Women of Cisco
Just Do It!
2 min read
I’ve been fortunate in that lots of people have given me advice over the years for my professional development. I’d like to pass on three things that have helped me, and I hope at least one or two of them will be useful to you.
To Give Back is Ingrained in Our Culture
3 min read
This year, Women of Cisco is celebrating throughout the whole month of March with their Women of Impact program! YES, that’s 31 days of inspiration, giving back, developing and celebrating women!
Inspire: Who I’ll Be Thinking About on International Women’s Day
3 min read
On International Women’s Day, we have an opportunity to celebrate the women who’ve given us inspiration. The day is a gift – it’s the perfect time to remember the progress that’s been made on gender equality, to shed some light on everything that still needs to be done and to recognize those who’ve helped to inch the bar to benefit everyone.