vRealize Suite
How Open APIs Enable Multi-Vendor Integration Bringing Greater Customer Value
2 min read
Cloud architects and IT operations need a consistent policy model for all applications and for the virtual and physical infrastructure hosting it. A policy model for control, monitoring, and enforcement contributes to bringing today’s siloed operational teams together, with the ability to integrate their workflows using automation tools. Today server virtualization is largely based on […]
Organizational Dexterity with Private Cloud Automation
1 min read
The world is experiencing a digital revolution that is rapidly changing your business landscape. This revolution is not only connecting people with digital technology; but it has made this technology ubiquitous in all of our lives. The result is tech-savvy employees and customers with new expectations how to interact with your business. Meeting these expectations requires […]
Application Ready Stacks at Will
2 min read
Application architects and developers are the life blood of your business. They are responsible for analyzing, designing and developing commercially viable solutions to drive revenue for your business. These teams keep up-to-date on the latest technology, drive development activities and are responsible for the design and day-to-day functioning of non-production environments. What they are not […]
Better Management for Private Clouds
2 min read
Whether you call it digital disruption or the age of the empowered customer, business models are being disrupted; and at the center are our customers. Customers are driving new consumption models that focus and align the way they want to consume technology: faster, cheaper and with a higher degree of service. Accommodating our customers requires […]
Accelerate Private and Public Clouds
2 min read
The pace of business is accelerating. As consumers, the internet has changed our expectations for how to order products, services or information as well as how fast it is delivered. Think about it. We access a web page, order what we want and complete the transaction. In some cases, our orders are delivered within hours. […]
TechWiseTV: Cloud Agility through Smarter Automation
1 min read
Agility is highly sought after in today’s business environment. It allows your business to rapidly adapt to market changes or competitive pressures. It enables your business to capture new opportunities and customers without expanding your staff or increasing costs. To accomplish these objectives you need one thing: automation. Automation delivers the key element for business […]
Deliver Services at Internet Speed
2 min read
How quickly can your organization stand-up a new application or deploy new services? Most customers tell me, “not fast enough!” I am clearly hearing from them that the new standard expectation across the organization is to receive precise data center resources in “internet time,” easily and definitely on-demand. But customers are not the only […]
A Better Way to Private Cloud
1 min read
Organizations are realizing that without a formal comprehensive cloud strategy, line of business and application architects will continue to sidestep their internal IT organizations and procure solutions on their own – an industry phenomenon known as “rogue IT” which happens out of necessity. While it helps solve the immediate problem, it brings with it a […]
Automation is Unavoidable – But Painful Shift Isn’t
1 min read
Private cloud – you hear it everywhere. Industry analysts tell us that private cloud has become a core data center strategy well on its way to becoming a core element in the formal IT portfolio. Forrester research indicates that CIOs and IT departments are strongly drawn to private cloud as the on-ramp for their cloud […]