cisco IAC
Get Hands-On with Infrastructure-as-Code at Cisco Live
3 min read
Learn the basics of using HashiCorp’s Terraform to apply configuration changes to a REST-driven network controller. And how to use Ansible to build a generic set of configurations across multiple device types to baseline device configuration compliance.
Cisco Data Center Networking makes a stellar debut at HashiConf Digital 2020
4 min read
Don't miss the Cisco Innovations showcase at the HashiConf Digital 2020 conference, a series of lightening talks where Cisco SMEs discuss innovative joint solutions brought to you by Cisco and HashiCorp.
A Better Way to Private Cloud
1 min read
Organizations are realizing that without a formal comprehensive cloud strategy, line of business and application architects will continue to sidestep their internal IT organizations and procure solutions on their own – an industry phenomenon known as “rogue IT” which happens out of necessity. While it helps solve the immediate problem, it brings with it a […]
Application Configuration Management: What’s your Approach?
5 min read
Last we spoke, it was about network device configuration management. Let’s move our focus up the stack to applications and management of their configuration. Whether enterprise or cloud-architected, running on physical servers, in virtual machines or in containers, how are you managing your applications? Puppet, Chef, Ansible and Salt are popular answers to this question and leading […]
Improve the Ways and Means of Application Delivery
2 min read
Organizations are rethinking their data centers and nothing is off limits for discussion – everything from infrastructure to software to processes, and even more fundamentally, the very ways in which a data center serves the business. One element that is empowering this phenomenal shift is IT automation. It is vital. No automation, no effective IT. […]
Let Cisco Cloud Work for Your Business
2 min read
At a recent event I saw a T-shirt that said “Remember when cloud only meant rain?” In the days before cloud computing, asking someone what they thought about cloud usually invoked a response about an animal-shaped formation or looking at cumulonimbus and predicting precipitation. One thing that today’s IT clouds have in common with their […]
With Cisco Cloud Management, FASTWEB Delivers New Value-Added Cloud Services
2 min read
Imagine that you head the leading telecommunications provider in Italy and you are watching traditional service and revenue streams struggle under intense competitive pressure. Customer retention is a major issue because the types of services required by your residential and business clients are changing. Clearly, you need to retain customers and do so by offering […]
Move Past Survival and Thrive
2 min read
Every area of your business has a stake in the way IT delivers services. Each one needs speed, agility, efficiency, and a clear definition of its relationship with all of the other areas and the business as a whole. In order to get there and create an agile and efficient organization that flows, you need […]
Automated Provisioning of Application Stacks
2 min read
Whether working with bare-metal servers or virtual machines; provisioning applications and infrastructure traditionally are independent tasks that are completed by different data center teams. Infrastructure is usually provisioned manually. Applications are customarily provisioned via golden templates. As customers look to move automation beyond infrastructure to include applications, the maintenance complexity and manual “last mile” configuration […]