
July 26, 2023


Connecting DOTs with IoT for Intelligent Transportation Systems

4 min read

Network connectivity for roadway devices is increasingly important as traffic engineers are tasked with connecting new devices and systems, along with existing infrastructure, as part of an intelligent transport system (ITS). As traffic congestion and the number of pedestrians and connected cars on the road are all increasing, network connectivity will enable real-time use cases to realize new transportation goals.

June 27, 2023


The Future of Airports, Coffee and Conversations podcast

1 min read

Airport operators are continuing their post-pandemic digital transformation journey by improving operations and driving towards sustainability targets, all while enhancing the travel experience for passengers. In this episode of the Coffee and Conversations podcast, the Cisco transportation team discusses what is taking place in airports across the globe and what innovations and technology are shaping their future.

June 14, 2023


It’s time to follow the climate funds! How public funding can support achieving sustainability at scale.

3 min read

Many organizations are not aware of powerful climate laws and the funding associated with them, much less how to secure these funds and drive their sustainability goals. There is an unprecedented opportunity for public and private sector organizations to transform their operations, reduce their emissions, and contribute to the global effort for more sustainable development.

June 8, 2023


The Power of 5G for the Connected Future

3 min read

Ubiquitous and reliable 5G connectivity is key to unlocking next-gen transportation networks and applications, and not just for a seamless user experience. It is mission-critical for ensuring safety across the entire transportation ecosystem. Managing quality of service (QoS) across Wi-Fi, public and private 5G will ensure reliable and secure connectivity across transportation use cases.

June 1, 2023


Manufacturing, Transportation, Energy, Utilities, and Mining at Cisco Live 2023

2 min read

Let’s go and celebrate all your wins and achievements! We welcome you to join us at Cisco Live 2023 to collaborate and share insight on ways we can solve some of the world’s greatest challenges. Join us in person in Las Vegas from June 4-8 or tune in digitally for free. Cisco Live is the place to be to connect and share ideas with the brightest minds in IT. Each session is designed to provide knowledge and uncover solutions to advance the digital future of the manufacturing, utilities, oil & gas, mining, and transportation industries.