Smart City
Launching Cisco Entrepreneurs in Residence in Europe
1 min read
I recently wrote about how we are extending Cisco Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIR) and our open innovation strategy beyond Silicon Valley through local incubation partners in Chicago, San Diego and Berkeley. Our presence in these innovation hubs will enable us to discover, influence and learn from new ideas and talent at early-stage startups with potential […]
What the Exponential Power of the #InternetOfEverything Means for Smart Connected Cities
3 min read
Barcelona, Amsterdam, Nice, London and New York are arguably some of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities. However, they have more than glamorous fashions, exquisite cuisine and vibrant nightlife in common. All are connecting things, such as cars and trash cans, to the Internet, making their cities work more efficiently. As the Internet of Things continues […]
How forward thinking cites are using the Internet of Everything to fix their economies
2 min read
Chicago was recently announced as the host city for the Internet of Things World Forum this autumn, following Barcelona’s excellent performance as host last autumn. This forum is important...
Copenhagen Gets Greener with the Internet of Everything
3 min read
Once a Viking fishing village founded in the 10th century, Copenhagen today stands tall among the world’s most technologically enlightened cities. Most everyone knows that Denmark’s capital is praised worldwide for its green initiatives, which are obvious from the pure air, clean sidewalks, ever-present bicycles and fresh-water canals, which I’ve enjoyed swimming in over the […]
Amsterdam Embraces the Internet of Everything, Paving the Way for a More Connected City
2 min read
When people think of the Dutch capital of Amsterdam, they often think of bicycles, canals and progressive social values. Some may even know about its leadership in international trade, catalyzed centuries ago by the Dutch East India Company, the world’s first multinational corporation. Others may be more familiar with Amsterdam because of U.S. President Obama’s […]
Service Provider Wi-Fi Connects the IoE in the City of Barcelona
1 min read
By Maywun Wong, Service Provider Mobility Marketing Manager Mobility is here to stay. According to a recent...
Cloud for Local Government Global Blog Series, A Better Economy in the Cloud
3 min read
My colleague Norm Jacknis (former CIO of Westchester County, New York) passed along a list of CIO concerns for 2013 that was prepared by Alan Shark of Public Technology Institute, a nonprofit that provides technology guidance to local government. The list for cities and counties included: 1. Big Data (Smart City) 2. Consolidation 3. GIS as centerpiece for […]
Cloud for Local Government Global Blog Series, Cloud and the Smart City: A Brighter Tomorrow
3 min read
In my last blog, I discussed the benefits of Smart City cloud management capabilities. An intelligent IP-enabled network unites multiple services onto one infrastructure, allowing for tight operations management and lower expenses. Operating this network remotely, through the cloud, further enhances the capability for sustainable, effective city management. As Smart City visions emerge in various […]
Cloud for Local Government Global Blog Series, Cloud and the Smart City: It’s All Connected
3 min read
Cities around the world are facing some big and complicated problems, with few easy answers at the ready. Rising energy costs, environmental concerns, and new government initiatives have inspired a focus on sustainable IT operations. But how can cities be expected to solve these crises, while also improving citizen services and ensuring future economic success? […]