
May 9, 2016


Programmability and UCS Management

4 min read

Cisco UCS was architected as a programmable infrastructure from its inception.

August 7, 2015


Open NX-OS featured on TechWiseTV

4 min read

NX-OS is now more modular, more open, more capable of third party integration providing a wide variety of programmability choices ideal for Dev-Ops environments. C'mon Network Engineers. Time to brush up on your Linux...maybe a little Python...

May 20, 2015


Three Things I Learned at the OpenStack Summit – Day Two

3 min read

Your love of OpenStack is not enough. You’ve had your “Aha moment.” You get the OpenStack value proposition. You’ve listened to other customers talk about their success with it. You can see the problems it’s going to solve for your organization. You are all in. But it’s not enough. Just know that. Even if you’re […]

October 30, 2014


Introducing the ACI Toolkit

2 min read

Cisco, in its quest to embrace programmability, has created what is called the ACI Toolkit, which is basically a combination of an NX-OS like CLI and some custom python scripts....

August 13, 2014


Engineers Unplugged S6|Ep4: onePK

1 min read

In this week’s episode of Engineers Unplugged, we welcome for the first time (and not the last) guest host Janel Kratky (follow her @jlkratky)! She’s hosting Jason Pfeifer and Glue Network’s Gregg Wyant as they discuss onePK and how to apply it to the real world. You don’t want to miss this one, it ends […]

July 9, 2014


The Napkin Dialogues: Nexus Programmability, Part II

9 min read

When last we left our hero, he (that is, me, or I) was getting a crash course in Nexus programmability and trying to understand what all of this stuff meant. I had plied Jim* with beer in order to get him to explain to me – using the available napkins in the bar – what […]

June 30, 2014


The Napkin Dialogues: Nexus Programmability, Part I

11 min read

I know that I take a different approach to learning new things than most people. At least, I know my approach is different than the way people present them. The good news is that when I get something, I really get it. However, when looking at the juggernaut that is “Software-Defined X,” or even “programmability,” […]

March 12, 2014


#EngineersUnplugged S5|Ep2: ACI and Traditional Networking

1 min read

This is an amazing episode of Engineers Unplugged, where two technologists from the community, Hal Rottenberg (@halr9000) and Colin Lynch (@ucsguru) discuss how ACI disrupts traditional...

January 29, 2014


Summary: Cisco is bringing together networking and programming

1 min read

With the announcements on NX-OS APIs, Application Centric infrastructure APIs, python scripting support, SDN, open source projects OpenStack, OpenDaylight, and Puppet, I have opened an account at