City of San Carlos Gets Smart About Parking
1 min read
Unless you did all your Holiday shopping online this season, you no doubt experienced the nuisance of trying to find a parking spot. In San Carlos, this was becoming an issue beyond just frustration. Businesses were worried about losing customers due to the lack of parking availability. The city took action using Internet of Everything […]
The Internet of Everything, Including Malware
3 min read
We are witnessing the growth of the Internet of Everything (IoE), the network of embedded physical objects accessed through the Internet, and it’s connecting new devices to the Internet which may not traditionally have been there before. Unfortunately, some of these devices may be deployed with a security posture that may need improvement. Naturally when we saw […]
Driving to work in Internet of Everything
2 min read
Recently Ford celebrated the success of the SYNC® system with its 10-Millionth SYNC equipped vehicle. For those who don’t know what the Ford SYNC system is, head over to the Ford Technology page and get yourself educated. What’s important about this milestone is the fact car connectivity has reached critical mass. This milestone really is […]
My Weekend and the Internet of Everything
2 min read
What would an “Internet of Everything” weekend look like was my question earlier this month as I sat there eating breakfast before going into battle later that day. Today’s meal was critical fuel for my next round of matches in a Masters Squash Tournament. The pressure was on because members of my family were coming […]
Getting up to speed on the Internet of Things – fast!
1 min read
The Internet of Things (IoT) technology trend is moving faster forward than anyone anticipated. This was evident at the IoT World Forum held in Barcelona, October 29th through 31st. Thought leaders from around the globe converged to discuss wide ranging topics on the IoT, including: standards development, technology ecosystems, connecting the unconnected, data analytics, and […]
3.9 Million and the IOE
1 min read
If I told you there’s something all around us that, if connected, could significantly help reduce our dependency on fossil fuels, reduce pollution on a massive scale, reduce the amount of time we spend in our cars, make entire cities smarter and contribute to an overall improvement of peoples’ physical and mental health all at […]
Smart, Connected Vehicles Courtesy of the #IoE
2 min read
As connections on the Internet of Everything (IoE) continue to grow, we’ve asked our employees to tell us how and what they’re connecting. Cisco Fellow Flavio Bonomi describes how one team is helping to bring a collection of smart, connected vehicles online. What does that mean for us? Vehicles that can provide dynamic collision-avoidance systems, […]
New Study Reveals How the Internet of Everything (#IoE) Could be The Key to Economic Growth
3 min read
By utilizing the Internet of Everything (IoE), private firms will capture a staggering $613 billion in profits in 2013. How? By taking advantage of IoE to increase efficiencies and create better customer experiences.
Innovation: Turning Childhood Dreams into Today’s Reality
2 min read
“All grown-ups were once children –though few of them remember it.” — Antoine de Saint Exupery, The Little Prince Recently, I attended one of my favorite events – the EG conference in Monterey, California. Speakers ranged from musicians to rocket scientists to pickpockets and everything in between. Embracing the theme of “everything is learning, learning […]