3.9 Million and the IOE
1 min read
If I told you there’s something all around us that, if connected, could significantly help reduce our dependency on fossil fuels, reduce pollution on a massive scale, reduce the amount of time we spend in our cars, make entire cities smarter and contribute to an overall improvement of peoples’ physical and mental health all at […]
Can the IoE Revolutionize Alternative Medicine?
2 min read
The other week I found myself chatting with a fellow healthcare (and Cisco) enthusiast on Twitter about alternative medicine and I experienced an Aha! moment – alternative medicine may soon have an entirely new face if it’s driven by consumer adoption of advanced (and in many cases, currently available) technologies. Let me explain. I recently wrote […]
Is the Future of Mobility a Disappearing Act?
1 min read
As a mobile expert and thought leader, I’m frequently asked about what the next big thing in mobility will be, and my answer often surprises inquirers – mobile’s future is a disappearing act. When most people think about the future of mobility, they think of larger, possibly flexible mobile screens, thinner and lighter designs, and […]
Is Affordable Healthcare Worth The Cost?
2 min read
Most everyone has heard the phrase, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch,” a phrase referencing the fact that everything has a cost and if you’re not paying for it, someone else is. In the US today, the largest age group in our population is comprised of Baby Boomers (people born between 1946 & […]
Connecting The Unconnected: What If We Have It All Wrong?
2 min read
The internet of everything (IoE) is about connecting the previously unconnected. When most people think about creating these connections, they think about doing so by adding sensory technology to inanimate objects, thereby making objects “smarter.” What if we have this paradigm all wrong? What if the approach shouldn’t be about adding sensory technology to inanimate […]
The Balance Between Technology and Humanity is Fueling Technology’s Popularity
2 min read
We are living in arguably the most exciting time in human history, and I’m mesmerized by how fast our world is evolving thanks to brilliant technologies and the sheer volume of inanimate objects that are connecting to the internet on a daily basis, forming the internet of everything (IoE). As much as it seems everything […]