Cisco Industrial IoT (IIoT)

July 26, 2023


Connecting DOTs with IoT for Intelligent Transportation Systems

4 min read

Network connectivity for roadway devices is increasingly important as traffic engineers are tasked with connecting new devices and systems, along with existing infrastructure, as part of an intelligent transport system (ITS). As traffic congestion and the number of pedestrians and connected cars on the road are all increasing, network connectivity will enable real-time use cases to realize new transportation goals.

July 6, 2023


Building industrial networks that are secure by design

2 min read

As manufacturers digitize the plant floor, advanced industrial networking and security are more important than ever. Cisco and its operational technology (OT) systems integration partners can help to bring IT and operations teams together in building industrial networks that are secure by design.

June 27, 2023


The Future of Airports, Coffee and Conversations podcast

1 min read

Airport operators are continuing their post-pandemic digital transformation journey by improving operations and driving towards sustainability targets, all while enhancing the travel experience for passengers. In this episode of the Coffee and Conversations podcast, the Cisco transportation team discusses what is taking place in airports across the globe and what innovations and technology are shaping their future.

June 14, 2023


Revolutionizing IOT to deliver an end-to-end solution

3 min read

Discover the announcements from Cisco Live and how they complement our comprehensive industrial networking portfolio giving you the opportunity to deliver an end-to-end solution to your customers with enterprise and industrial use cases.

June 8, 2023


The Power of 5G for the Connected Future

3 min read

Ubiquitous and reliable 5G connectivity is key to unlocking next-gen transportation networks and applications, and not just for a seamless user experience. It is mission-critical for ensuring safety across the entire transportation ecosystem. Managing quality of service (QoS) across Wi-Fi, public and private 5G will ensure reliable and secure connectivity across transportation use cases.