carlos dominguez

July 10, 2014


The Converging IT Landscape

3 min read

With networks getting faster and the whole world going mobile, the number of connections is growing at an unprecedented rate. By next year, the amount of mobile-connected devices will exceed the number of people on the planet, and by 2020, will reach 50 billion. And those devices are getting smarter all the time. While there […]

Collaboration in the New Age of Convergence

2 min read

I was in the grocery store when I realized that something new was going on: our entrance into the era of computing that I call convergence — the convergence of man and machine – is already changing the face of collaboration. In the recent past, collaboration did a great job of connecting people to people […]

Birth of a New Class of Data in the Internet of Everything

2 min read

Data generated by people and data generated by machines is actually quite different and as we move from the Internet of Things to the Internet of Everything, this has some pretty interesting implications. Data generated by things or machines is actually quite structured: A sensor is programmed or created to produce only a specific type […]