With Early Cancer Detection, IoT Saves More than Money—It Can Save Lives
3 min read
Breast cancer kills 500,000+ women each year. How many will the Internet of Things save?
Today’s IoT Opportunity: B2B or B2C?
3 min read
While consumer IoT gets the buzz, business-to-business IoT applications are generating billions of dollars in value. Find out how.
There’s Never Been a Better Time for IoT
3 min read
Maciej Kranz wraps up his series on Building the Internet of Things with a look at the state of IoT—today and tomorrow.
Does IoT Need Service Providers?
3 min read
What’s the role of service providers in the Internet of Things? Maciej Kranz explores some options in this book excerpt.
Do You Want Your IoT Project To Fail?
3 min read
No one wants their IoT project to fail—but all too often, they do. Here are some common mistakes to avoid as you consider IoT.
The Times They Are a’Changing—and So Must Company Culture
3 min read
Understand how IoT implementation influences your company culture.
Government’s Role in the Internet of Things
3 min read
What roles do governments play in the IoT implementation? Our Maciej Kranz points out some of them.
The Path to IoT Starts with One Small Step
3 min read
When kicking off IoT in your company, start with one small step. Why? Learn with Maciej Kranz.
Technology and Business Process: Two Sides of the Same IoT Coin
2 min read
Our Maciej Kranz highlights the #5 ingredient to a successful IoT Implementation Recipe: you have to look at technology and business processes together.
Road Trip to Transformation: It’s a Journey, Not a Destination
2 min read
Learn how to take a comprehensive approach before implementing IoT technology with our best selling author, Maciej Kranz.
Pursue Real IoT Solutions, not Big White Whales
3 min read
Based on his own best-selling book, Maciej Kranz defines the #3 ingredient to IoT Success recipe: focusing on real problems.
IoT and the Environment: Making It Easier To Be Green
3 min read
To celebrate the launch last week of my book, Building the Internet of Things, I am taking a short break from my current series on my “Recipe for IoT...
Building the Internet of Things: A How-To Book on IoT
2 min read
Get the first practical guide to capturing the unprecedented value of IoT.
The Internet of Things Is About People, Not Just Things
3 min read
Every major technology and business transition affects both process and people. Job roles change, some jobs are eliminated, and new jobs are created. The transition to the Internet of Things...
A Strong Partner Ecosystem Is the First Ingredient for IoT Success
3 min read
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a critical next step for 21st century companies. But it’s also a complex, multidimensional transformation, demanding new skill sets, technologies, and business models. How...
Securing the Internet of Things Is Everybody’s Responsibility
3 min read
For the past couple of weeks, security and the Internet of Things (IoT) have been in the news like never before. During the first few days after the massive distributed...
How to Get Started on the IoT Journey: Four Fast Paths to Payback
4 min read
As I said in my last blog, implementing the Internet of Things (IoT) is a journey, not a one-time event. And like every journey, it begins with a single step. Over the last few years, I have met with dozens of customers across the world and in every industry. Believe it or not, many of […]
Generation IoT: The Key to Business Survival in the 21st Century
4 min read
“The only constant is change.” It’s an adage that goes back 2500 years to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus. But never has it been as true as it is today. Technology adoption is growing exponentially, driving change at a dizzying pace. Billions of devices are connecting to networks—most of them the sensors, controllers, and machines that […]
These Boots Were Made For Walking: A New Look at the Path to IoT Success
2 min read
Last year, I wrote a series of blogs exploring the various technology and business factors to keep in mind while considering an Internet of Things (IoT) deployment. Since then, IoT has continued to accelerate its drive toward transformational change across industries. And I have continued to log in thousands upon thousands of miles meeting with […]
No Vacation for Innovation
1 min read
Last week I was pleased to be part of a Cisco celebration of home-grown innovation. Our first-ever Strategic Innovations Party on the Patio showed that there was no vacation for innovation this year at Cisco.Drone
Welcome to the Co-Economy: There’s Never Been a Better Time
2 min read
The world has never been more connected, and there’s never been a better opportunity for co-innovation, co-development, co-marketing, and even co-funding. The time is right for the co-economy—a trend that is reshaping how we work, live, and conduct business. Granted, some aspects of the co-economy have been around for years. I remember the idea of […]
Succeeding with Customers and Partners in the “Co-Economy”
3 min read
Cooperation, co-development, co-opetition. What does it take to succeed in the “co-economy”? Just as the “sharing economy” has changed the basic assumptions upon which the hotel and taxi industries are built, the “co-economy” is changing some of the fundamental ways we think about developing and bringing innovations to market.
Co-Innovating for Startups and Enterprises—Better Together?
4 min read
People say that opposites attract, but big differences in economic or social background, education, and personality can sometimes lead to misunderstanding, conflict—and a weekly appointment with a marriage counselor! The same can be true when unevenly matched companies—such as a large enterprise and a startup—try to collaborate on an innovation initiative.
Setting the Stage for Co-Innovation Success
3 min read
The new model for co-innovation can be messy. No longer a one-thing-at-a-time, linear methodology, today’s development process involves people from different organizations, with different backgrounds and cultures working on several different tracks at once, with rapid prototyping, real-time customer feedback, and multiple iterations all along the way. It involves frequent failures, fast recovery, and new […]
The Time Is Now for Co-Innovation: Three Reasons Why
3 min read
Traditionally, Cisco’s innovation strategy has been built around four foundational pillars: build, buy, partner, and invest. Recently, however, a fifth pillar—co-innovation —has become more prominent. In my last blog, I introduced the idea that innovation doesn’t happen in a vacuum—it requires diverse skill sets and multiple points of view. But it’s only been in the […]
Co-Innovation: Shining a “Lightbulb” on the Myth of the Lone Inventor
3 min read
A few years ago I sat down with technology leaders at a major oil and gas company to talk about a solution they wanted Cisco to develop, and they had some unique and interesting requirements:
The Internet of Things: Hype or Reality?
3 min read
Having spent several days last week at the Internet of Things World Forum in Dubai, I am more convinced than ever that the Internet of Things (IoT) is not some hyped-up futuristic vision of what could be, but a present-day reality that is transforming businesses and industries here and now. In this blog series over […]