Gartner’s Latest Point of View on BI, Analytics and Big Data
3 min read
Over the past six weeks I participated in three Gartner BI and Analytic Summits in Sydney, London, and most recently Las Vegas. I love going to these events, as they are a great opportunity to: Stay abreast of the latest trends through the lenses of the Gartner analysts who cover BI, analytics, data management and […]
Three Big Data Integration Plays to Drive More Value from Big Data
2 min read
Big data and analytics are changing the competitive playing field. Winners will find ways to turn unprecedented growth and complexity of big data, cloud, IoT devices and more into competitive advantage. The Value of Big Data Integration Big data itself can provide significant insight, impact and advantage. These outcomes can be multiplied when big data […]
Cisco Big Data on Display at Strata+Hadoop World
2 min read
Big data has become big business as businesses mine vast stores of data for insights that can help identify trends, predict behavior, and empower decision makers. And the Internet of Everything (IoE) is creating new analytic use cases and possibilities that were inconceivable just a few years ago. Cisco’s rich portfolio of big data and […]
Is it Time for a Data Mart Diet?
3 min read
We’ve all heard the expression, “you can never have too much of a good thing.” But we all know that’s not quite true. For example, a little dessert is good. But too much can be a problem for your waistline. It seems data marts also fit this pattern. A few data marts can be very […]
Where is Cisco Data Virtualization Going in 2015?
3 min read
Welcome to 2015! If you are like me, the New Year is a great opportunity to assess where I am at and where I am going. So let’s do that for Cisco Data Virtualization. 2014 – A Year of Exciting New Products Before looking ahead at 2015, let’s first take a look at 2014 highlights. […]
Cisco Connects Data and Analytics
1 min read
Billions of devices are changing how organizations compete and disrupting traditional data management and analytics. This Internet of Everything world presents an exciting new opportunity to discover and take advantage of market, customer, and operational insights. And by making sense of captured data quickly, organizations can take action at that point, in that moment, in […]
Transparently Offloading Data Warehouse Data to Hadoop using Data Virtualization
2 min read
More data allows for better and more expansive analysis. And better analysis is a critical success factor for businesses today. But most data warehouses use the once-in-never-out principle when storing data. So whenever new business activities occur, new data is added without removing old data to make room. New data sources, such as data from […]
New Research Identifies How to Accelerate Data Virtualization Adoption
1 min read
The challenges of data management are getting exponentially harder. These ever-increasing data quantities, diversity and distribution are revolutionizing data management, opening the door for new solutions such as data virtualization. Data virtualization fulfills a range of business demands for data, supports high iteration and fast response times, all while saving significant IT costs. Radiant Advisors […]
Bridging Business and IT: The Value and Virtue of a Business Directory
2 min read
According to Dr. Barry Devlin, amongst the foremost authorities on business insight and one of the founders of data warehousing, “Data without context is meaningless. It is also valueless. Without a well-understood business context, any derived information and subsequent decisions are open to multiple interpretations or, worse, misinterpretation. It is the context—and, by extension, a […]
Big Data, Cloud and IoE Explored at Data Virtualization Day 2014
3 min read
With nearly 500 attendees joining together at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City, the fifth annual Data Virtualization Day on October 1st, 2014 was the largest ever, 50% bigger than 2013’s record setting event. From kickoff to closing reception, the vanguard of data virtualization gathered to explore the latest trends, meet fellow innovators and […]
Introducing Cisco Information Server 7.0: Easy Access for Business Users, Larger Deployments, More Data
3 min read
Today, at Data Virtualization Day 2014 in New York City, we proudly announced Cisco Information Server 7.0 (CIS 7.0). The latest version of our flagship data virtualization offering, CIS 7.0 extends data virtualization to new audiences, enables larger, more-complex deployments and integrates more data sources so our customers can run their businesses more effectively by […]
Data Driven Decision Making at Pfizer – A Case Study in Data Virtualization
2 min read
Finding a molecule with the potential to become a new drug is complicated. It’s time-consuming. Fewer than 10 percent of molecules or compounds discovered are promising enough to enter the development pipeline. And fewer of those ever come to market. At Pfizer, if it were not for data virtualization, it would be even more challenging. […]
Data Vault and Data Virtualization: Double Agility
2 min read
Rick van der Lans is data virtualization’s leading independent analyst. So when he writes a new white paper, any enterprise that is struggling to connect all their data (which is pretty much every enterprise), would be wise to check it out. Rick’s latest is Data Vault and Data Virtualization: Double Agility. In a nutshell, the […]
Innovation Distinguishes Between a Leader and a Follower
2 min read
Steve Jobs is arguably the most amazing innovator of our times. I recently read some of his thoughts on innovation. His statement “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower,” caused me to reflect upon my eight-year association with data virtualization, and consider who in the IT analyst community have been the innovative leaders. Since […]
Rocky Mountains High On Data Virtualization
2 min read
I recently returned from my seventh annual Boulder BI Brain Trust presentation. The BBBT as everyone likes to call it, is unique in the business intelligence, data and analytics industry. Since 2006, the BBBT has advanced this industry by organizing half-day vendor presentations to their over 140 members. During these presentations, vendors such as the […]
Leading Analyst Firm, EMA, Validates Cisco’s Big Data Warehouse Expansion Solution
2 min read
Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) is a leading industry analyst firm that provides deep insight across the full spectrum of IT and data management technologies. EMA analysts, including Shawn Rogers who guides EMA’s Business Intelligent Research group, leverage a unique combination of practical experience, insight into industry best practices, and in-depth knowledge of current and planned […]
Data Abstraction: The Lingua Franca for Data Silos
1 min read
Enterprises are seeking ways to improve their overall profitability, cut costs, reduce risk and more through better leverage of their data assets. Significant volumes of complex, diverse data spread across various technology and application silos make it difficult for organizations to achieve these business outcomes. To further complicate matters, there is a range of problems […]
New Horizons, New Possibilities: Announcing Data Virtualization Day 2014
1 min read
With Big Data, the Cloud and the Internet of Everything transforming our world, the possibilities are staggering. And status quo means falling behind. These truths drive Data Virtualization Day 2014’s theme: New Horizons, New Possibilities. This year marks the fifth anniversary of Data Virtualization Day, the premier data virtualization industry event, where IT leaders […]
Call for Nominations: 2014 Data Virtualization Leadership Awards
1 min read
The Data Virtualization Leadership Awards recognize organizations for data virtualization initiatives with significant business impact, agility and innovation. Has your organization executed a data initiative with significant business impact, agility or innovation that should be celebrated? Do you know a champion whose efforts have driven data virtualization success in your organization and beyond? If so, […]
Save Big Money with Big Data
1 min read
Data in data warehouses doubles every 2.5 years. For users, this means more data to analyze, leading to better business outcomes. That’s the good news. The bad news is that this extra storage capacity and computing power comes at a cost. A high cost it turns out. So what is an enterprise to do? Keep […]
Data Virtualization: Live at Cisco Live! San Francisco
1 min read
It has been a great year for Data Virtualization at Cisco Live! Milan, Melbourne, and Toronto were fantastic opportunities to introduce Data Virtualization to Cisco customer and partner audiences. And...
How Data Virtualization Helps Data Scientists
2 min read
By now it is clear that big data analytics opens the door to unprecedented analytic opportunities for business innovation, customer retention and profit growth. However, a shortage of data scientists is creating a bottleneck as organizations move from early big data experiments into larger scale adoption. This constraint limits big data analytics and the positive […]
Data Virtualization: Achieve Better Business Outcomes, Faster
1 min read
Data, Data Everywhere! The challenge of making business decisions in a networked world isn’t a lack of data. It’s having data residing in multiple systems, global locations, locked away in spreadsheets, and in people’s heads. Almost every enterprise faces this data silos challenge to a greater or lesser degree. But how businesses address it makes […]
Active Archiving with Big Data
1 min read
Historical data is now an essential tool for businesses as they struggle to meet increasingly stringent regulatory requirements, manage risk and perform predictive analytics that help improve business outcomes. While recent data is readily accessible in operational systems and some summarized historical data available in the data warehouse, the traditional practice of archiving older, detail-level […]
The Fourth V in Big Data
1 min read
At Cisco Live! Melbourne, I was invited to speak at the Executive Symposium to nearly 100 of Cisco’s top customers in the Australia and New Zealand region. In my talk, Gaining Insight from the Big Data Avalanche, I covered big data business opportunities and technology challenges. To level set at the start, I opened with […]
Customers Gather in NYC to Talk Data Virtualization
1 min read
This year Cisco held Data Virtualization Day 2013 at the New York Palace in New York City. With 350 attendees from more than 130 organizations, it marked the largest event to date and showcased data virtualization is top of mind for organizations as they try to extract more value out of their data. Data Virtualization […]
Data Virtualization Meets the Network
1 min read
The acquisition of Composite Software by Cisco has created quite a stir in the enterprise IT community. Data virtualization and networking – how does that make sense? One should assume that before it invested $180M in Composite, Cisco must have had something in mind. And a recent report entitled “Data Virtualization Meets the Network” from […]