virtual services
Digital POS brings people to the bank branch
4 min read
Today customers want to be addressed and looked after using modern means. The digital POS offers a new possibility. This allows banks to provide a kind of virtual branch - anywhere they want.
Making NFV Insanely Simple for Hybrid Cloud
1 min read
Looking to move away from purpose-built physical network appliances and take advantage of the benefits of NFV? NFV is about much more than cost savings, it is about moving at the pace of software. But how do you get started? If you look at ETSI, you need a ton of hardware and software just to […]
Capitalizing on Your Evolved Programmable Network through Faster and More Efficient Cloud Services Delivery
2 min read
SDN (Software Defined Networking) and NFV (Network Functions Virtualization) technologies are expected to help Service Providers gain new efficiencies and previously unimagined speed and agility in cloud services delivery so they can seize new business opportunities and achieve continued growth. Specifically, SDN in the data center helps you abstract services and applications from the complexities […]