
November 11, 2016


The Unique Perspective Veterans Bring to Businesses

3 min read

Veterans like Stan Roberts have served our country in a myriad of ways. As a United States Marine, Stan served three tours in Iraq. He received many combat-related awards before he lost his leg and was medically retired. After 11 years with the military, Stan had to reset his plans of entering law enforcement, where […]

October 25, 2016


Igniting a Musical Movement: Operation Encore

3 min read

From a musical perspective, Spark Meetings has enabled the Operation Encore team to collaborate on songs and rehearse via video conferencing. Now, with the song edits finished, attention needs to shift to finalizing the CD artwork and coordinating logistics for the upcoming CD release event in November.

September 7, 2016


Cisco Spark Creates a Musical Connection from the Front Line

3 min read

Operation Encore, a group of active-duty and retired U.S. service members who share their experiences through music. These talented artists span the military branches and are now completing their second album. To help the members connect and collaborate, I introduced them to Cisco Spark.

Creating a Networking Career Pipeline for Veterans

1 min read

On August 2, 2016, Cisco launched the Veteran Talent Incubation Program (VTIP) at its Research Triangle Park (RTP) campus in North Carolina.  Twelve veterans from area military bases are participating in the program, which spawned from a discussion between Erika Plant and TAC Managers (Chris Phillips, Charles Armstrong and Chris Myers) when they volunteered at […]

August 8, 2016


Better Collaboration Services for Those Who’ve Served

3 min read

When we think of collaboration, we often picture a corporate setting. But, what about others like graphic designers and musical groups that need to collaborate from a distance? The veteran music project, Operation Encore was introduced to Cisco Spark via one brief demo. That was all it took. With the “user friendly” app, they now share and store files, communicate real-time through group messaging, and start meetings all from one location, or Spark “room”. This is the first blog of three in a series.

Celebrating 10 Years of Giving: Employees Give Back with Care Packages for U.S. Military Members

1 min read

Led by Cisco’s Veterans Enablement and Troop Support ERO, four sites — San Jose, Ohio, Herndon and Research Triangle Park — held Cisco’s annual Memorial Care Package Drive in honor of Major John D. Gerrie, United States Air Force (USAF). Major Gerrie lost his life January 16, 2016 supporting Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. His spouse, Amy, is […]

June 9, 2016


Vocational Education & Training as an Economic Driver

1 min read

Insights from the 2016 Australian TAFE Study Tour to Asia.

What Memorial Day Means to Me

2 min read

This post was written by guest blogger Douglas Roberts, a Cisco Communications Manager, Country Digitization. Douglas is a U.S. Army Veteran.  I would love to say that Memorial Day plus planes equals scuba diving in Hawaii or visiting distant relatives in New Zealand.  For me though, I think of C-17 cargo planes. The worst part of deploying […]

Cisco’s Joining Forces Pledge to Veterans

1 min read

On May 5, First Lady Obama and Dr. Jill Biden hosted over 50 companies at The White House to celebrate the 5th anniversary of their Joining Forces initiative, a nationwide effort that began in 2013 to support veterans and their families through employment, education and wellness opportunities. The participating companies, including Cisco, committed to either hire […]