It’s time to move away from SNMP and CLI and use Model-Driven Telemetry
4 min read
Traditional features such as SNMP, CLI, and Syslog, used for collecting operational statistics from a network, have several restrictions due to the growth of the objects like IoT devices and cloud based applications. SNMP uses the pull model when retrieving data from a switch. This model cannot scale for today’s high-density platforms, and offers very […]
New DevNet Learning Module, “Home Lab: Setting up Your Desktop OS for Network Programmability”
5 min read
Hey, you networkers out there. (Yes, it’s a little weird – I’m talking to networkers in a blog post at a site where a lot of Developers hang out.) Remember the short struggle when you first learned about Cisco devices? What cable to use to connect to the console? What drivers to add to make […]
Fast Tracking Network Automation
2 min read
Traditional telco operations support systems (OSS) have tended to focus on point solutions that provide specific functions in their own attempt to automate networks. However, this approach has often failed to live up to its promise.
How a Traditional Network Engineer Got Started with Network Programmability
4 min read
When I was asked to write my experiences preparing to present in the DevNet Zone at Cisco Live 2017, the first thought that came to mind was,...
Catalyst Switching Programmability: The Workshop
3 min read
Let me just start by saying this…10 minutes before we even started the webinar, the questions started rolling in. The first question, of course, being “Do I need to understand programming to be a network engineer?” Something we’re hearing over and over these days. If you’re asking my honest answer on that, I would say…it […]
Using CLI as Training Wheels with NETCONF/YANG
6 min read
Get all the details behind what we announced at Cisco Live! "Introducing an entirely new era of networking." Here's how you can get started, with Cisco DevNet.
Learning Python on IOS-XE…turning anxiety to excitement
3 min read
CLI programming skills are still relevant in IOS XE, but adding a Linux container with Python natively embedded in release 16.5 takes programmable networks to the next level. With another Cisco Live fading in the rear-view mirror, I find myself reflecting on some of the really interesting events that happened. I’m not talking about the customer […]
The New Network – It’s for Developers!
6 min read
With Open IOS XE, Cisco is Changing the Game Old-school network engineers probably remember the Cisco 2500-series router. It ran a slow Motorola 68000 CPU, the monolithic IOS operating system,...
MPLS+SDN+NFV World Congress 2017: Where The Rubber Meets The Road
4 min read
Industry experts, operators and vendors present real use cases and technology demos to demonstrate what works, and what does not, for real deployments in live networks.