New DevNet Learning Module, “Home Lab: Setting up Your Desktop OS for Network Programmability”
5 min read
Hey, you networkers out there. (Yes, it’s a little weird – I’m talking to networkers in a blog post at a site where a lot of Developers hang out.) Remember the short struggle when you first learned about Cisco devices? What cable to use to connect to the console? What drivers to add to make […]
New DevNet Learning Track: Build Your Home Lab to Learn about Network Programmability
4 min read
What should an engineer add in their home lab to make it a good learning environment for learning about network programmability?
Getting Started in Cisco’s DevNet
7 min read
Mark Watney is “The Martian”, in case you haven’t heard. In the movie, he’s a Botanist stranded on Mars. But in the book, he’s first a mechanical engineer, and a botanist as his second skillset. It’s hard to if he’s an engineer-botanist or a botanist-engineer, but he’s a pretty cool guy. Think McGuyver with better […]
4+1 Practices for Effective Lifelong IT Learning (Part 2)
6 min read
Happy with how you go about learning, or wish you could learn more, learn more quickly, and even just do it? Today’s post continues what was begun in the previous post, namely a list of good practices to consider to improve how you go about learning throughout your IT career. The previous post set up […]
4+1 Practices for Effective Lifelong IT Learning (Part 1)
9 min read
The debate of what we should be learning seems to be a more frequent topic today. For instance, there’s been a long-standing question for each new networker: after learning a little about routing and switching, does a relative newbie dive deep into route/switch? Move on to learn voice? Or security? Data Center? Or for emerging […]
Value of Cisco Certifications: Making Money Vs. Study
7 min read
Imagine that you see a Tweet today inviting you to apply for a part-time networking job, something you can do in addition to your normal job. You appear to be qualified for the job, and the work looks interesting as well. However, it requires enough of your time so that you would have to set […]