The Rise of Network Automation
3 min read
Highly virtualized, multicloud networks require a new security approach to address ever-evolving security threats. Automation provides constantly updated, secure access from device to multiple clouds.
Cisco and Google Cloud: Flexible Cloud for Government
1 min read
Announcing the Cisco and Google Cloud partnership to focus on hybrid cloud and multicloud solutions. This solution brings the best of both worlds, including Cisco’s Hyperflex and Hyperflex Edge integrated with Google’s Anthos.
ACI Anywhere Now Extending From On-Premises to AWS Cloud
4 min read
Get control of and visibility into your data center's application network policy - on-premises, in the public cloud, and in between - with Cisco Cloud ACI for AWS running natively in the public cloud.
The Next Phase of Co-Innovation – Cisco and Google Cloud
3 min read
Today at Google Cloud NEXT, David Goeckeler unveiled the next phase of our journey with Google Cloud: the expansion of our multicloud and hybrid collaboration to include Google Cloud's Anthos.
DevOps with CloudCenter and Kubernetes in a Multicloud Environment – Part 1
7 min read
Whatever your business might be, your internal and external customers expect more and more services, greater efficiency and a better experience. Providing new services (which in most cases will mean a new or revamped application) to customers and anticipating your competitors’ moves attracts new customers and retains the existing ones.
Realities of the Modern Datacenter
3 min read
Businesses are constantly evolving and repositioning themselves as they pursue new revenue streams and efficiencies. In our technology-driven world, this evolution typically involves modern IT applications and data streams. IDC believes that these new enterprise workloads are shifting towards an infrastructure-agnostic model that extends from edge to core to cloud.
The Business Benefit behind ACI and Multicloud Networking
3 min read
How to justify migrating to a Software-Defined-Network approach with ACI? It's no longer about performance and reliability, but faster network provisioning, consistent security and simpler troubleshooting.
Why Your Business Needs a New and Simpler Multicloud Network
2 min read
I often get asked about my top recommendations when building Enterprise Data Center Networks and I wanted to share my thoughts with you...
New Perspectives on Software-Defined WAN
7 min read
The integration of SD-WAN with cloud management functionality into the Cisco family of routers in 2018 excited many of our customers. So what can we look forward to as this technology enters its next phase?