Cloud-Native SD-WAN: The WAN Your Kubernetes Applications Deserve
5 min read
Cisco just introduced a project to improve SD-WAN and Kubernetes integration: Cloud-Native SD-WAN
Machine Learning On-Premises Isn’t That Hard After All
4 min read
Delivering on-premise ML capabilities, with potential hybrid configurations giving data scientists the best of both worlds.
Explore Serverless with Fission – DevOps Series, Part 19
3 min read
Serverless is here to stay and nobody likes lock-in! So check out the full blog series to get a good understanding on how to get started with several different FaaS engines over kubernetes.
Serverless with Kubeless – DevOps Series, Part 18
2 min read
Explore Kubeless, another interesting FaaS runtime engine, in this installment of the series that gets you hands-on with serverless.
Serverless with OpenFaaS – DevOps Series, Part 17
3 min read
Get hands-on experience with OpenFaaS, a popular FaaS over kubernetes engine. OpenFaaS is easy to deploy, k8s friendly, and a great starting point with templates to deploy your own code.
Intro to Serverless – DevOps Series, Part 16
3 min read
See how developers deal with the complexity around containers, micro-services, schedulers, and service meshes by going Serverless (or FaaS).
The new Cisco Validated Design for Google Cloud’s Anthos now available!
3 min read
We are excited to announce our first jointly-engineered Cisco Validated Design (CVD) for Google Cloud’s Anthos on Cisco HyperFlex.
Kubernetes + Cisco Container Platform: Petascale Genetic Research
3 min read
Clemson University is using Kubernetes and the Cisco Container Platform for cancer research. Find out how it can help speed your research as well.
An Introduction Into Kubernetes Networking – Part 3
7 min read
In case you missed the previous post, this is a 4 part series covering the following topics: 1. Container to Container communications 2. Pod to Pod communications (CNI Plugin) 3. How we can track pods and provide external access (Kubernetes Service) 4. Rule based routing (Kubernetes Ingress) Tracking Pods and Providing External Access In the […]