
June 18, 2024


The State of Cloud Security Platforms and DevSecOps

3 min read

A new survey by Cisco and Enterprise Strategy Group reveals the true contours of cloud native application development and security

January 22, 2024


DevNet Learning Maps Help You Get the Most From Your Cisco Live Experience

2 min read

Find the sessions for network programmers and application developers that let you meet with experts and get hands-on immersive training on Cisco programmable interfaces and APIs.

May 10, 2023


Learn about DevSecOps at Cisco Live

2 min read

Learning about DevSecOps can empower your dev team to understand, discover, and fix vulnerabilities before they head downstream. Check out the Cisco Live "Dev+Sec+Ops=Success" learning map and video.

January 17, 2023


The Many Flavors of DevOps

5 min read

NetDevOps, DevSecOps, CloudOps, DataOps, NoOps... What's it all mean? Get a better understanding of the many DevOps job roles and the different directions the roles are taking across the software technology spectrum.

July 11, 2022


Why Your Network Automation Should Shift Left Now

3 min read

“Shift left” security is moving security to the soonest feasible point in the development process. We look at what it means to combine security concerns with the NetDevOps model to ensure that security is an integral part of the software development life cycle and for network automation.

April 21, 2022


Worst-Case Scenarios: What Happens If You Don’t Do DevSecOps?

4 min read

Is DevSecOps really necessary? What would happen if an organization adopted DevOps but continued to do security traditionally? Spoiler alert: nothing good...

February 7, 2022


What DevSecOps Means for Your CI/CD Pipeline

4 min read

Learn about the key areas to consider when it comes to DevSecOps and CI/CD, so you can make tailored selections of the security features that best match the type of CI/CD pipeline you’ve chosen.

January 20, 2022


How To Do DevSecOps for Kubernetes

5 min read

Get an overview of security concerns related to Kubernetes, and a look at the built-in security capabilities that Kubernetes brings to the table.