3 Days of Disti

December 9, 2016


Speed, Simplicity and Smarketing

2 min read

Wendy Bahr said it best at Partner Summit: “to move with speed, we have to simplify”. But how can you cut through the clutter and not only reach your target audience, but reach them with something that spurs action and pushes results? Our distribution partners at Comstor did just that. Through a laser focus on […]

December 8, 2016


How One Disti Partner Puts “Smarketing” In Play

2 min read

Partners of all types across the globe have one very important thing in common. Yes, they all want to become more profitable; but, they also want to help facilitate this by aligning their sales and marketing teams more closely. While some still see marketing as a “support” role, it really is critical to a healthy, […]

December 7, 2016


Are You Taking Full Advantage of Digital Marketing Opportunities?

2 min read

You’ve heard me say it. You’ve heard Karen Walker say it: the transition to digital marketing is a business imperative for businesses across the board. And distributors are no exception. In my blog This Will Help You Sleep at Night, I outlined some of the key benefits and digital marketing offerings available throughout the ENGAGE […]