Healthcare hit by global ransomware attack – again
1 min read
Like a nasty strain of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, ransomware reared its ugly head again this week. This attack is called Nyetya, as named by Cisco’s Talos threat intelligence team. (You may have heard it referred to in the press as Petya, but we believe this variant is different enough to warrant its own moniker.) Nyetya is […]
Outdated healthcare network? Don’t miss the signs and symptoms
1 min read
Electronic health records. Patient monitoring devices. Imaging systems. Mobile communications. It’s true: virtually every function in your healthcare facility relies on a robust, modern digital infrastructure. Healthy network security is...
The prescription for better patient outcomes? Better collaboration.
1 min read
It’s Tuesday, and an orthopedic surgeon in Vail, Colorado and a research scientist in Oslo, Norway are discussing results of the latest study on reconstructive knee surgery. Together, they look at data, review x-rays, and sketch ideas on a whiteboard. By the time they’re done, the surgeon has a new plan for treating a complex […]
Celebrate HIPAA compliance like it’s 1999
2 min read
Take a trip with me, if you will, back to the turn of the 21st century – when “digital transformation” was but a gleam in our eyes. Back then, we barely had email at work. The internet was still kind of a novelty. And social media had yet to be invented. (How did we survive?) […]
Healthcare Organizations: What You Need to Know About the NHS Cyberattack
1 min read
Today’s news of the cyberattack affecting healthcare organizations—including the National Health Service (NHS)—in the UK, is sobering. Sources are reporting that the ransomware attack has “crippled the health system’s ability to treat patients.” Thousands of non-emergency appointments have been canceled, and ambulances have been diverted to other facilities, leading the NHS to declare the attack […]
Healthcare behind bars: Can technology improve outcomes for inmates?
2 min read
Making a trip to the doctor’s office isn’t a whole lot of fun for anyone. But if you happen to be in jail, well, it’s downright grueling. You can probably picture it based on what you’ve seen on TV and in the movies: the searches, the restraints, the uncomfortable bus ride–all part of the reason […]
Population Health is Alive! (Despite Policy Uncertainty)
3 min read
Healthcare law in the U.S. is anything but settled. The first effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) failed, but what’s coming next?
Four ways to overcome telemedicine hesitation
3 min read
It’s 2017 and we’re still waiting for the flying car (well, one we can afford). However, one futuristic vision is not only here – it’s become a way of life. I’m talking about video communication. Sure, applications like Skype and FaceTime have been popular for a while. But recently, video has exploded into the […]
Amid ACA Uncertainty, One Surefire Strategy for Healthcare Organizations
2 min read
If patients are paying more for their healthcare and taking more initiative, they will expect more and will consequently have more choices. What does this mean for healthcare organizations?