May 17, 2024


Critical Steps to Bolster UK’s Cyber Resilience: Insights for Policy Makers from Cisco’s Cyber Readiness Index

3 min read

In the face of growing cybersecurity threats, UK policymakers have intensified efforts to protect the nation's digital infrastructure. This blog looks at insights from the UK McPartland review and the interdependence between cyber security and economic growth.

December 13, 2022


The Upcoming UK Telecoms Security Act Part Two: Changing Mindset from Stick to Carrot

3 min read

We take a close look into the themes introduced by the Telecommunications (Security) Act & explore how the telecoms industry can apply zero trust to improve its security posture.

October 3, 2022


The Upcoming UK Telecoms (Security) Act Part One:
What, Why, Who, When and How

5 min read

The Telecoms Security Requirements (TSRs) are rapidly approaching. Here, we outline what they mean for UK firms, and what they can do to prepare.

June 17, 2020


Helping to Make a Difference as a Cisco Apprentice

2 min read

Ollie, a Cisco Apprentice in London, shares his story of how he decided to help in these unprecedented times by making PPE through a 3D Printer.

January 23, 2020


The Future of Cities and Communities in the UK

4 min read

Cities and towns are in a constant state of evolution in the UK. Join us as we explore how to create smarter communities in our cities and towns.

February 22, 2019


Changing the World with my Culture Ambassador Family

4 min read

Nish shares how the Culture Ambassadors came together again to work on Our Principles, and what this opportunity means to her.

January 25, 2019


When I Grow Up (More) I Want to Be…

4 min read

What does Nish want to be when she grows up (more) - she shares her journey and how Cisco has helped along the way.

December 18, 2017


IDEALondon “Scales Up”

1 min read

Innovation was on display for a packed house of startups, entrepreneurs, and enterprise innovators at IDEALondon’s festive fourth birthday celebration.

Western Power Distribution creating the Blueprint for Grid Modernization with Cisco

2 min read

I’ve been to the UK twice this year. The traffic is terrible! Worse than I ever remember! Commentators that’s a good sign – a sign of economic prosperity. That certainly seems to be the case in the UK. My last European-related blog – Ferguson Group Ltd keeps an Eye on Operations with Cisco Physical Security […]