Uncover the latest upgrades in the NSO Sandboxes
2 min read
After many months of work, I’m happy to share that our NSO reservable sandbox and NSO Always-On sandbox have received a well-deserved upgrade. The NSO sandboxes are a great companion as you go on your automation journey, and when you need a quick environment to test your ideas. Additionally, the best thing is, the NSO […]
Explore network programmability with the DevNet XRd Sandbox
3 min read
XRd is a containerized version of IOS-XR where you can experiment with platform–independent features and deploy them to any on-premises or cloud infrastructure. providing all the benefits of using containers in network operations. XRd comes with all the programmability aspects from IOS-XR, including Telemetry and YANG models, which makes it ideal for developers and network […]
Try the New 8000 Emulator Sandbox for SONiC
1 min read
A modern, cloud-scale data center network requires resilient server-to-server communication. When faced with a rapid increase in the number of devices on the network, Software for Open Networking in the Cloud (SONiC) can help in the most demanding cloud networks.
SD-WAN Sandboxes Get a Refresh
2 min read
Want to polish your network automation chops? Try the new always-On SD-WAN Sandbox using a prebuilt Postman collection.
New CI/CD + NetDevOps Learning Lab for Cisco NSO
1 min read
Try the new Learning Lab to see what applying best practices from CI/CD and NetDevOps to the network would look like using Cisco NSO.
Get Ready to Explore gRPC in the DevNet IOS XR Always-on Sandbox
4 min read
Learn how to use gRPC to build a device management service to programmatically exchange configuration and operational data between a client and a server.
Explore NSO in the new Always-On DevNet Sandbox
2 min read
Find everything you need to explore the APIs for NSO, as well as develop network automation packages and services for use in your networks.
Get Ready To Try the Umbrella Cloud Security Sandbox
2 min read
Learn how to use the Cisco Umbrella APIs and start automating more in your environment.
Live Demos and Cisco NSO Overview at Networking Field Day 23
1 min read
Watch these videos to get a better idea of what Cisco NSO is and how the DevNet Sandbox team is using it to manage a variety of network devices and infrastructure components.