
January 8, 2018


Introducing the Network Programmability Video Course

2 min read

The Network Programmability Basics Video Course is a collection of 28 videos organized into 6 modules. We created it to help jumpstart your journey into network programmability. It's LIVE now!

January 4, 2018


NEW DevNet Sandbox! Play live with Istio on Kubernetes to manage your microservice mesh

2 min read

Most of the development world is aware of the microservices and containerisation movement, given we’re now in 2018! When folks start working with microservices, they quickly realise that they proliferate fast. One application can contain a large number of microservices that all need to interact and talk to each other for lots of different reasons […]

October 3, 2017


New DevNet Blockchain Sandbox lets you get hands on with hyperledger coding

2 min read

You’ve probably heard of blockchains by now – the relatively new technology underpinning a whole host of cryptocurrencies and distributed apps.  Blockchains promise exciting solution opportunities across a range of markets, from IoT and machine-to-machine communication, to healthcare, identity management, supply chain, and more. But, have you come to grips with how blockchains work? How […]

September 28, 2017


Developing Network Security in the DevNet Sandbox

2 min read

This is what DevNet sandbox is all about. Providing access to real world security environments where one can see first-hand how these integrations work.

September 14, 2017


DevNet Sandbox Part 2: Making it Easy to Learn and Innovate

3 min read

This blog is the second in a series of two, focussing on DevNet Sandbox and the awesome free access to Cisco and Open Source tech it provides all our DevNet users. In my Part 1 blog I explained how DevNet Sandbox provides great fast, on-demand access to a whole host of Cisco technology, third party […]

August 28, 2017


DevNet Sandbox: Giving Developers Fast, Self-Service Access To Cisco Tech

3 min read

This blog is the first in a series of blogs focusing on DevNet Sandbox and the awesome free access to Cisco and Open Source technologies it provides all our DevNet users. I’m a developer. I’m also somewhat an architect, manager and evangelist which makes life super fun, but pretty fast paced. For the most part, […]

February 23, 2017


Serenity Now! A better way to malware analysis.

2 min read

Over the last half decade the term sandboxing has become so pervasive, many customers I speak to have forgotten what it’s for!  Sandboxing is a type of malware analysis – dynamic malware analysis to be exact. You execute a sample / file in a virtual environment and see what happens. There are numerous other types […]

February 10, 2017


Indicators of Compromise and where to find them

4 min read

Indicators of Compromise (“IOC”) are used to suggest a system has been affected by some form of malware. An Indicator of Compromise can be anything from a file name to the behavior observed while malware is actively running on an infected system. Where do they look? Social media, new feeds, industry reports, Threat Grid sample […]

September 10, 2015


Security Beyond the Sandbox

3 min read

A few years ago sandboxing technology really came of age in the security industry. The ability to emulate an environment, detonate a file without risk of infection, and analyze its behavior became quite a handy research tool. Since then, sandboxes have become relatively popular (not nearly on the same scale as anti-virus or firewalls) and […]