The Cisco Runner’s Club Connects with Our Customers
3 min read
Jose shares how the Cisco Runners Club in Mexico City provided him with a sense of community and got him back into sports while connecting and collaborating with our customers.
The Teamwork of Marathons: Cisco Employees Train Together
2 min read
Brijesh shares the 4 things he learned after helping to train a fellow co-worker for the Mumbai Marathon. Now that's teamwork!
Cisco is the Reason, Not the Excuse to Stay Fit
3 min read
Amanda shares why she was scared to take a full time job at Cisco, but found that it was even more beneficial to her running ambitions as she chased down the Boston Marathon.
Three Ways I was Inspired by the 50 KM Egg Walkathon
2 min read
Wega L. shares his experience on giving back during the Egg Walkathon in China, and what 3 things inspired him most.
What Gives This Employee Marathon Motivation?
3 min read
The most important part of running a marathon isn’t necessarily one foot in front of the other, it’s the networking and...