remote learning
We are all Learning How to Learn
2 min read
The resulting scramble to maintain momentum in the face of a complete shutdown is forcing us all to reassess what “school” is — and what it could be when it comes to learning.
‘Better Than Being There’ with Webex, and Enabling Teachers to Inspire Students with Hybrid Learning
6 min read
Better Than Being There Experiences for all Webex Users and announcing a preview of Webex Classrooms, which adapts Cisco’s highly secure platform to meet the specific online learning needs for the hybrid classroom.
E-rate funding window extended through April 29
1 min read
Take advantage of the 20% increase for Funding Year 2020 Category 2 E-rate applications. On March 17, 2020 the FCC directed USAC to extend the E-rate Funding Year 2020 Form 471 application filing window through 11:59 PM Eastern time on April 29, 2020. More time for E-rate filing This means that schools who missed […]
Howe Public Schools Reimagine Education
1 min read
Learning is no longer confined to the classroom, the campus or the home. For students in rural southeast Oklahoma, the commute to school on the bus is an active learning space. Howe Public School students who were once limited by their physical rural location can now access advanced courses and college curriculum. Cisco collaboration tools, […]