Should governments pay extortion payments after a ransomware attack?
1 min read
When it comes to ransomware attacks this year, it’s been a tale of three cities. In May, the city of Baltimore suffered a massive ransomware attack that took many of its...
Practical Ways to Reduce Ransomware Impact: Actions You Can Take Today
6 min read
During the past year, Cisco Security Incident Response Services has provided emergency incident response services for many customers dealing with incidents that sometimes become a ransomware event. In...
Sodinokibi Ransomware Exploits WebLogic Server Vulnerability
1 min read
Attackers are actively exploiting a recently disclosed vulnerability in Oracle WebLogic to install a new variant of ransomware called "Sodinokibi," which attempts to encrypt user data and then deletes shadow copy backups to make data recovery more difficult.
Ransomware or Wiper? LockerGoga Straddles the Line
1 min read
LockerGoga is a ransomware variant that, while lacking sophistication, can still cause extensive damage to organizations or individuals. Talos has also seen wiper malware impersonate ransomware, such as NotPetya.
Today’s critical threats: A Cisco Security threat report
2 min read
Download a copy of our first 2019 Threat Report, Defending against today’s critical threats today and start prepping for the things that are likely to come.
Nearly every threat is either on an endpoint, or it’s headed there
3 min read
This is because the endpoint is, well, the end. That is where data resides; where individuals organize, communicate, and conduct nearly all activities of their lives; and is often considered...
The Ransomware Evolution: What is Happening in Europe?
3 min read
According to the 2018 Security Capabilities Benchmark Study, 72% of European organisations rely on machine learning to reduce the effort needed to secure their environments.
Ransomware: Are you ready?
1 min read
While there is no silver bullet for fighting ransomware, there are many things that an organization can do to avoid falling victim to this type of attack.
Files Cannot Be Decrypted? Challenge Accepted. Talos Releases ThanatosDecryptor
1 min read
Talos is releasing ThanatosDecryptor, a free decryption tool that exploits weaknesses in the design of the file encryption methodology used by Thanatos. This utility can be used to regain access to data.