Back to the Future: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
2 min read
As information consumers that depend so much on the Network or Cloud, we sometimes indulge in thinking what will happen when we really begin to feel the effects of Moore’s Law and Nielsen’s Law combined, at the edges: the amount of data and our ability to consume it (let alone stream it to the edge), is simply […]
Cisco’s Chief Futurist Shares Top 5 Predictions for 2013 and Beyond #IoE
4 min read
The future intrigues us all, especially when every now and then we’re able to catch a glimpse of what’s to come. At Cisco, one of the ways we build our business and serve our customers is to think about the future and how technology innovation stands to transform the world in which we live. This […]
Internet of Everything in Action: Today and Tomorrow #IoE
3 min read
When the history of the Internet of Everything (IoE) is written, its success or failure will be determined by answering one question. How did IoE benefit humanity? In the end, nothing else matters. With this in mind, let’s look at two examples of how IoE will benefit people, both today and tomorrow. Today—Transforming the World’s […]