Innovate Beyond the Stack – Innovation begins with Software Disruption
4 min read
Software engineering and developer communities are driving the market for cloud consumption and leading each industry into a new era of software-defined disruption. There are no longer questions about elastic and flexible agile development as the way to innovate and reduce time to market for businesses. Open source software plays a key role in the […]
Batteries Included
1 min read
If you’ve spent any time on Cisco Cloud blogs at all, you’ve heard about Metapod. It’s our production-ready, OpenStack-based, on-premises private cloud solution. We engineer it, deploy it, and remotely operate it 24×7 on your behalf. It’s the perfect solution for companies that enjoy the public cloud experience, but need the security and performance advantages […]
Visualizing a minimesos Cluster with Weave’s Scope
3 min read
This week we are very pleased to release version 0.8.0 of minimesos. This new release contains many improvements, bug fixes and new features. The two most important features are that minimesos now ships with Weave Scope and HashiCorp’s Consul. In this blog, I am going to focus on how important we think the integration with […]
minimesos – An experimentation and testing tool for Apache Mesos
2 min read
Apache Mesos, it’s fair to say, is a battle-hardened system for treating your whole data center as one pool of resources. Through the use of frameworks and their APIs, it’s possible to manage and schedule resources across both data centers and different cloud environments. It is for these reasons that Mantl, our microservices framework, was […]
Cloud Native Computing Foundation Accepts Kubernetes as First Project
1 min read
Today, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced that their first project accepted is Kubernetes. This is an important initial milestone as this represents the first core functional component of a CNCF solution. There will me more core functional components to come as the TOC is busy already investigating projects. This is not validation that CNCF […]
Stateful Applications on Mantl Using the Mesos ELK Framework
8 min read
Introduction Throughout this week the discussion has been focused on the necessity of a programmable infrastructure and the Mantl project. Mantl was formulated to deliver application level flexibility by providing a set of pluggable components. One of the main use cases for enterprises is data management and analytics. This post discusses a subset of these […]
Project Contiv – Infrastructure Operational Policy Specification for Containerized Application Deployment
3 min read
One of the biggest disruptions in the IT world is upon us. 10 years ago it was server virtualization, more recently the adoption of cloud – both private and public. One could argue that cloud adoption is still ongoing. But I think a more fundamental disruption is happening with the way applications are going to be built, deployed and […]