
April 26, 2016


What is Mantl API?

4 min read

When developing applications, one to the first obstacles we encountered was around installing applications and frameworks. To address this complicated ecosystem, we developed a service framework and API. The Mantl API is a feature built in to Mantl that helps you find and install applications and Mesos frameworks. Think of the effort involved to build a […]

March 18, 2016


minimesos – An experimentation and testing tool for Apache Mesos

2 min read

Apache Mesos, it’s fair to say, is a battle-hardened system for treating your whole data center as one pool of resources. Through the use of frameworks and their APIs, it’s possible to manage and schedule resources across both data centers and different cloud environments. It is for these reasons that Mantl, our microservices framework, was […]

November 12, 2014


Elasticsearch ELK + Cisco UCS turn massive data into massive insights

2 min read

The Internet of Everything continues to gain momentum and every new connection is creating new data. Cisco UCS Integrated Infrastructure for Big Data is helping customers convert that data into powerful intelligence, and we’re working with a number of new partners to bring exciting new solutions to our customers. Today, I want to spotlight Elasticsearch, […]