Cloud: The Truth is Out There
5 min read
Whether you believe in the existence of aliens and UFOs, there’s a more recent technology phenomenon that tends to evoke just as many myths and debate: the cloud.
The Network for the Next Billion Devices: Cisco DNA Meets IoT
2 min read
The explosion in the number of IoT devices demands both a stronger network and new device management solutions. That’s exactly what we just launched.
The IoT train is leaving the station. Don’t get left behind.
3 min read
There’s been a lot of big talk about IoT for the past several years, and I admit, I’ve been skeptical. Thermostats. Toasters. Fitness trackers. So what? Why is this so transformative for Cisco’s customers? I wanted to understand this “transformation” more deeply. So, I read every report I could get my hands on. I talked […]
Cisco and Jasper – Accelerating Enterprise IoT Success Worldwide
3 min read
Today, Cisco announced the close of our acquisition of Jasper, a leading IoT service platform provider that powers the IoT initiatives of more than 3,500 enterprises worldwide. With Jasper’s cloud-based platform, companies of all sizes – and in any industry – can rapidly and cost-effectively launch, manage and monetize IoT services on a global scale. […]
Cisco Partner Weekly Rewind – February 5, 2016
1 min read
Each week, we’ll highlight the most important Cisco Partner Ecosystem news and stories, as well as point you...